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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I actually think the discussion in this thread has been pretty even-keeled. EDIT: And the other thread, too.
  2. "Pop" is such a a broad, generic label that everyone applies it differently.
  3. I know what you're trying to say. It is hard to articulate it, though.
  4. The worst I can remember for us was about 3-4 years ago, where we had a major storm system come through every week for a couple of months each year. We had a tree come down in our back yard to rest on some power lines, and we would sit in the middle of our house to wait it out every night.
  5. I never thought the weakness of W(ta) was in the lyrics. In fact, I think it's a big step up from SBS.
  6. Yeah. Even though I'm excited for the new album, it doesn't sound like it's going to be that much different from the two that came before it.
  7. My wife has some friends in Tuscaloosa who are safe, thankfully. Ever since moving to Fort Worth from San Antonio and Austin, I dread this time of year for this reason.
  8. Is everyone here that is from the South okay? Just some horrific images all night last night. There is nothing scarier than a tornado. Thoughts and prayers to anyone affected.
  9. Did I miss an earlier posting of this? Paste's 30 Best Wilco Songs
  10. Now that sounds like a song I can get behind. Or an album.
  11. I've been pretty stopped up all week, so if I heard that song now, it would fit perfectly.
  12. I do wonder why so many people assume others have ulterior motives for liking or disliking an album.
  13. I don't think that's what he's saying. I think it's more of the fact that no matter how good the new material may be, the inevitable comparisons by those fans of the older material who have built up years of an emotional attachment will usually result in the denigration of the new material. I don't think he means that as years go by, they'll eventually like it all the same (though it's a possibility...which is where the Kid A comparisons can come in), but their initial perceptions will forever color their opinions on it. And this is where Crow Daddy's statement really resonates: "Time and
  14. Yeah, I remember how every Radiohead fan I knew back then was anxiously awaiting Amnesiac, because in their minds it promised to be the "real" guitar-based follow-up to OK Computer, while Kid A was just a bump in the road.
  15. Yeah, I thought that was a strange description, too.
  16. The board in general has been dead. Has everyone migrated somewhere else?
  17. I think it's a little early to make that claim. You can't expect 10 Joan of Arcs in a single one-hour episode.
  18. I would start with Alligator. That's where I started, and it took me a few listens for it to finally sink in. But they're easily my current favorite band. Although High Violet might be their best. Of course, I also love Spoon, so who knows?
  19. What are you waiting for?!?!?!
  20. That's ridiculous. It does kind of defeat the purpose of Record Store Day by making it nearly impossible to obtain some of these releases. If the goal is to get people into record stores who normally wouldn't ever venture into one, make it worthwhile to go instead of frustrating most people and further cementing their negative views towards the stores.
  21. I've never read a fantasy book in my life, and I really disliked all three Lord of the Rings movies. I thought this was great. I had no trouble figuring out who everyone was (although the episode did take great pains to make sure everything was clear), and it has already put in place some very intriguing story lines. The opening scene was very eerie and the final scene was certainly unexpected and really set the tone. I'm excited for the rest of the season, which most critics seem to be saying only gets better.
  22. Lately, it has been "Wreck My Flow" - The Dirtbombs
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