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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Just keeps getting better and better. It has quickly become the one show I look forward to watching the most. This is measured in length of time between my DVR recording it and me watching it. Meanwhile, the first two episodes of 30 Rock have been pretty miserable.
  2. I wonder which Nine Inch Nails album was being used. Listening to With Teeth was pretty torturous.
  3. Well, that's the nature of any art form. The more movies you see, the more crap you wind up seeing. The more books you read, the more books that don't seem that great. If anything, listening to all these mediocre albums only enhances how great the really good ones are. And the number of albums that slay me has greatly increased with the consumption of more music.
  4. I'm very thankful for the many new methods of discovering music (and the ability to listen at work). It has opened my ears to many new albums and artists that I may not have otherwise heard or listened to, and I have found many new favorites along the way. If we were still in the pre-internet days, I would probably be discussing the new Wilco, new U2, and new Pearl Jam and call it a day; talking about how bad music has gotten. However, as it stands now, my love and appreciation for great music has only deepened.
  5. I don't think they are "representing" anything other than themselves, though. For instance, I would never root for Oklahoma in any kind of championship just because they are from the Big 12 South. There is too much hatred built up over the course of a bitter rivalry to change anything. That being said, I would root for any other team out of the Big 12 South, but the heated rivalry trumps any regional satisfaction.
  6. Off the top of my head, I would probably put these ahead of (the album) (subject to change): Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion The Big Pink - A Brief History of Love Califone - All My Friends are Funeral Singers Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca Girls - Album Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest The Love Language - s/t Micachu & the Shapes - Jewellrey Neko Case - Middle Cyclone Passion Pit - Manners Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix UUVVWWZ - s/t White Rabbits - It's Frightening Why? - Eskimo Snow The xx - xx YACHT - See Mystery Lights So, it'll probably fall within the top 15-20 for m
  7. I don't think there is an equivalent in any other sport. I guess the best nominees would be: NFL - Dallas Cowboys (outside of the NFC East, is the hatred as galvanized?) NBA - Los Angeles Lakers (tend to be successful every year) NHL - Detroit Red Wings (basing this on success, otherwise I have no idea) NCAA - Notre Dame Fighting Irish (independent, their own TV contract, BCS advantages just for them, etc.)
  8. I agree. So why root for them? Were you rooting for the Emperor to kill Luke and Darth Vader with his electrical shocks in Return of the Jedi?
  9. I would suggest starting with Roots and Crowns. Mainly because that's where I started. I eventually ventured all the way back to Red Red Meat, which is also a really great band.
  10. I really like (the album), but there are a number of releases this year I would put ahead of it. And, yes, I would begin with the one suggested above.
  11. Even disregarding the Wilco angle, I think you severely underestimate the benefits of Blu-Ray to the look and sound of a film.
  12. Yeah, I can't remember a time where a band went from "loved" to "hated" faster.
  13. Aside from The Lonely 1, Outta Mind, and (Was I) In Your Dreams, it's hard to find a song I could definitely live without.
  14. I have too many friends who have had too many bad encounters with Teixeira to paint him with any other brush. Has nothing to do with the contract he was able to sign.
  15. Has nothing to do with that. He's just a loathsome mercenary. Not worth rooting for on any level unless he happens to sign for your team.
  16. That's all fine, I guess. But calling A-Rod and Teixeira "classy" is definitely out of bounds.
  17. Seriously, any non-Yankees fan who openly roots for the Yankees should be banished to an uninhabitable island for the rest of eternity.
  18. Especially the "Teixeira...[is]...easy to root for" part.
  19. But if it was shot on film, then a transfer to Blu-Ray would produce a pristine HD picture. I'm not sure about the sound issues, because I don't know how those were recorded. EDIT: According to IMDb, the sound is in Dolby SR and the DVD is in stereo. If they transferred to Blu-Ray, they would need to remain true to the 2.0 sound, unless they were able to remix it from the source for full 7.1 sound. Which may or may not be desirable or possible.
  20. I'm really surprised at the resistance exhibited here towards new and better technology.
  21. Saw that this morning, too. Unbelievable.
  22. Spoon, Califone, Wilco in any order or am I cheating by having three
  23. I'm sure some do. Plus, maybe a nice financing offer will get some people to consider it or finally make the plunge if it's something they really want.
  24. So they shouldn't offer anything to try to entice buyers? I think anyone would want to try to make their money work for them, regardless of how much they have. People don't get rich or stay rich by just throwing their money around. Anyway, I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just don't see how a company offering a finance plan is hilarious. EDIT: I guess I am being a little argumentative.
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