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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Every time I've been there - just standing in the circular-ish hall. There are raised seats around the sides but I think those are first come first served too and, of course, not something you're likely to consider
  2. For those non-Brits, the map link (and address) they have on WilcoWorld for the Roundhouse is wrong. Here is the correct location:- http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Roundhouse+chalk+farm&aq=&sll=51.512068,-0.122974&sspn=0.009708,0.019076&g=The+Piazza,+Covent+Garden+London+UK+WC2E+8BE&ie=UTF8&ll=51.543506,-0.1525&spn=0.009702,0.019076&z=16 I think there is a pub with the name 'Round House' in Covent Garden - which is what they're stating. Wilco HQ have been informed It's decent enough, though some people complai
  3. Nice start - part one of a double feature set in the USA. Some puzzles for the grown ups and creepy scares for the kids.
  4. Nice hour and a half (no advert breaks ) doc/biographic interview on George Martin on the Beeb tonight. Look out for it if you are interested. Best quote on being miffed at having the Let It Be Tapes ttaken away from him with no credit for producing the original sessions: should have been credited: "Produced by George Martin. Overproduced by Phil Spector". A lot of stuff I never knew he was involved with that are tunes from my childhood etc. (did know about alot of the comedy stuff, but there were a few surprises)
  5. Dear JT, I'd prefer to have my heart broken then my eardrums shredded at this point. Ta.
  6. Bumping with a bit of appreciation from the horse's mouth, so to speak.
  7. FYI John Lennon letters to be published
  8. Wonderful. Growing great feeling about this next album. That has all the magic of Mermaid Avenue - which was my lead into Wilco in the first place.
  9. As well as having no sense of smell, it is a little known fact that Pat was raised by a family of Purple Gallinule, which explains the frequent extravagent plummage displays.
  10. Also, anyone who starts a sentence with "Forthwith" is a top bloke. I am looking forward to a 'perchance' and possibly a 'happenstance' soon. Mr. Micawber or Mr. Darcy - you decide.
  11. Very nice JT. My problem with many of the songs on WTA was that there was too much 'forced' rhyming and random phrases thrown together (i.e. like listening to an Oasis album) to the point of irritation. This on the other hand, flows properly and sounds natural as a song. I could also imagine it more up-tempo, so all bets are off as to how it may sound as a Wilco track. (As an aside, some of my favourite songs don't even have rhyming lyrics at all - when they are interesting enough and the tune is strong enough that's fine e.g. alot of Weller's stuff with The Jam)
  12. I once made it to a queue before him. I've been dining out on that story for years. It was Paris, in the spring, we were young ...
  13. Wilco should take that ton of them they have hanging round the Loft and sell them at the summer festival thingy. Win - win.
  14. Maybe he's just been to to Marseilles (or Paris - there's another one). And I'm not going to Google 'divine extremity' at work thank you very much. Edit: Also reminds me of the old Kenny Everett character:-
  15. A smallish warm-up before the UK arena tour
  16. How to sell a second-hand wetsuit Starts off just funny, read on then it gets charitable. Excellent.
  17. Big fan here. Guy's a great fella. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-12665269 - nice little talking head interview. In case you didn;t know, he has his own BBC Radio 7 show (no idea if you can get to listen to it in the US) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0072q60 Try and get to hear this sometime too:- http://caughtbytheriver.net/2009/09/in-search-of-the-holy-quail/
  18. "Real-life School of Rock" Handsworth school pupils Iron Maiden cover becomes YouTube sensation Most excellent.
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