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Everything posted by Bob_Roberts

  1. Regarding what you said about Snowden, it's just not true: https://theintercept.com/2015/11/15/exploiting-emotions-about-paris-to-blame-snowden-distract-from-actual-culprits-who-empowered-isis/
  2. Does anyone have video of Wilco performing Immigrant Song with JP in a dinosaur outfit? I know they did it in SF at the Fillmore...
  3. I think that's Webster, Tweedy's love child.
  4. Has there ever been a band called Trout Fisting in America?
  5. So would I. Seriously. Our f-ed up medical system, education system, banking system, government... it's all a part of the same problem: our goddamn government is run by a bunch of rich fuckers. The incentives are so fucked up right now. This whole government shutdown has really pushed me over the edge: I just cannot and will not tolerate a goddamn Republican in my presence. They're all bad right now but the Repubs are just absolutely monstrous. Time to tax the rich at 91%. Or move to Norway.
  6. And when I was a child, all the men looked like Ward Cleaver and smoked pipes, and their wives looked just like June. You could drop in anytime to see the town lawyer and he'd spin you a good yarn for hours and afterwards go down to the Five and Dime for a soda. A ham sandwich was only 5 cents then and everybody respected their mothers. Everybody had a heart of gold and would ride on flying horses that would arc across the sky as the clouds would part and rainbows appear bringing smiles to all the town's children. Gosh things were good then!
  7. Tweedy is the decider -- I don't dispute it. Reminds me of... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4F6aLCYjjo
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-S1vZduGoE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uj4Q4zbtfM
  9. Hi Danny. I'm Bob Roberts. It's really great that you have a passion for the violin - after all, it's a noble instrument with a storied past and, at least in my opinion, a bright future. Are you looking for the violin tablature (like guitar tab but for violin) for select Wilco carmina or are you more advanced and read the note thingies?
  10. You sick sick bastards you - all of you -- sick!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRrbt00Abv0
  11. You message board people are like a pack of wild hyenas rending the flesh of a new born babe.
  12. What's strange is that I think the meaning I was going for was actually closer to "intents and purposes" than "intensive purposes." But's it also possible I was meaning "practically" as well -- but would you say that "intents and purposes" is close to "practically" in meaning?
  13. Oh fuck. You just gave me some bad flashbacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIAdHEwiAy8
  14. I don't know I think Wilco with that lineup could have made a lot more real good operas. Stiratt has that nice high tenor which could have been employed in some ass-kicking arias -- put him into a blond Brunhilde style wig and you're off and running. Tweedy could have been the baritone hero, and Bennett with his low bass could have been the evil Svengali like genius trying to steal Brunhilde from Tweedy. Coomer, Bach, Johnston, and Egan as a sort of Chorus commenting on the action?
  15. Just continuing in this vein... who do you think should be fired right now? I think Tweedy should have Tony fire the Pat Metheny guy, the guy with the bouffant hairdo, and Kotche. Maybe he could be like the AOL CEO and do it on a conference call to thousands of fans and reporters.
  16. I tend to agree with this and would include Coomer in on that. After the firings of Coomer and especially Bennett it became increasingly hard to listen to Wilco. With the anchor of Coomer gone Wilco was free to fly into the hard rock stratosphere but they lost the down to earth sensitivity to rock n' roll and country style that Coomer had. Obviously Bennett was the master of the counter melody, the substitution chord change, and power pop twang heaven. Both of them put a lot of their soul into Wilco and it was hard to stomach watching them get fired just as the band was on the precipice of
  17. Ah what the hell! I was just kidding -- I do think it's a sign of maturity to fire your friends if you're the boss. Who gives a crap anyway. This message board was just getting so dull for me as a "lurker" that I thought I'd bring back the whole bennett/coomer thing -- but it just doesn't have the same juice anymore. The arguments have all been argued (although I do think that replacing Coomer with Kotche is like the Stones replacing Charlie Watts with Neal Peart, and replacing Bennett with Cline is like The Flying Burrito Bros replacing Sneaky Pete with Pat Metheny - but I digress...)
  18. I'm sure all these firings were very troubling for Tweedy. Reminds me of a song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA1gRc7sctI
  19. But I thought Wilco is the band carrying Woody Guthrie's torch? Maybe not so much http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbgKEjNBHqM
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