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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I know democrats who have definitely slandered McCain's military career.
  2. Or you agree with some politician's opinions more than others and allow that to shape your view of their "dangerous-ness". That's my guess.
  3. I'm not trying to argue that. It's a nice little double standard though, isn't it?
  4. Loose Fur has 2 incredible songs and the rest bores me.
  5. So Obama is allowed to accuse McCain's camp of doing this even though he denies it, right?
  6. Well, it's probably because people legitimately worry that he might be a Muslim. That might be why they persist.
  7. Obama is allowed to accuse the mccain camp of spreading the muslim stuff, but people can't then turn around and accuse his people of spreading the early Palin daughter rumors.
  8. this ucf-usf game has echoes of fiu-um's brawl game. Don't be surprised if shit goes down.
  9. I still like Joe Leiberman. I know all of you guys feel betrayed, or whatever, but I respect that man a lot.
  10. or they made them impromptu styleat the convention?
  11. I've always liked Patton's idea of war: 2 men in the desert, 2 handguns, whoever wins wins the war.
  12. So republicans get all of the morals and you guys get hip hop and jokes? I don't want him to pander to anyone, least of all me. I just think his show would be that much more entertaining if the audience didn't suck.
  13. I'm a cynic. Idealism doesn't exist in the real world.
  14. Man, in an ideal world this would be nice, but we have to be realistic. That's why I can't bring myself to be anti-gun.
  15. I support this image more than I support either of the candidates. I'm doing my part and spreading the word.
  16. kanye: black people do not care about George bush.
  17. Probably just your imagination. I thought it looked like a giant old white guy, am I right?
  18. Of course you will give olbermann the benefit of tv doubt. You agree with him. He's still a jack ass.
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