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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I read the links she posted, and I'm not convinced. Were there irregularities? Obviously. But they appear to have happened on the local side of things, and don't really show me a grand operation from the tops of the GOP. I really don't think I've ignored the explanations, they just aren't convincing enough to me. Like I said earlier, when you are going to make allegations that are that serious, the burden of proof is on your. And in my opinion, those links don't prove much more than incompetence on a small scale that served only to magnify that Bush got more votes. I love that you are the o
  2. I'm reading the link you posted and, quite frankly, it all seems like conspiracy theories to me. No concrete evidence, and if you're going to make allegations like that, the burden of proof is on you. I put this in the same boat with the 9/11 truthers. We're supposed to believe at the same time that Bush is one of the worst, most incompetent presidents of all time (I probably think this is true), but that he can also orchestrate these 3 huge evil plots. Looking at the breakdown of the 2004 election by party support, it's pretty easy to see that the republicans just did a better job of co
  3. I kind of feel like it looks like him and Caliber's 55 year old love child.
  4. I mean, I've seen some stuff. It's all mostly allegations, nobody's ever concretely proven that they 'stole' the election. You also didn't mention 2004, which you said they stole as well.
  5. I'm going to need more proof than Charlie and Dennis Kucinich saying "it is". I love Dennis, but I'm not going to take him for his word on this one.
  6. Just another way of getting your music out there and getting an extra buck while you're at it. Good for Billy.
  7. I'm at least a little worried about the two back to back storms we're looking at this weekend.
  8. Do people actually take Olbermann seriously? He's the left's version of Bill O'Reilly, except he's probably a little more condescending (a little more intelligent, sure, but condescending as hell.) How does this help republicans get money? Should I register now?
  9. I guess my perception is clouded by being surrounded by humorless Obama supporters, then.
  10. I dunno, I specifically remember a few weeks ago, jon going 'hey guys, it's ok to laugh at him too, you know.' maybe it's lightened up since then.
  11. also an Obama supporter calling anyone out for a lack of sense of humor is rich. From the outcry over the new yorker cover, to the stone silence innthe audience every time jon Stewart makes a joke about Obama, you guys as a whole don't have much humor about your guy.
  12. the firstone was funnier than th second. I can find something humorous and classless, and in this case my reaction was stronger to the latter.
  13. Your point is fuck the people who are hurt while these dudes throw their bitch fit.
  14. I quote south park: 'gratuitious sex and violence are ok, as long as nobody says any dirty words!
  15. Honestly, I haven't really looked into Clemente, but looking at her wiki page, I do like some things about her, including her support for independence for Puerto Rico and her history as an independent journalist. I don't know much about her politically, but I do hope that we start seeing more prominent Puerto Rican and hispanic in general figures on the national stage. Hispanics are woefully underrepresented politically, and I think that has a lot to do with the anti-hispanic immigration sentiment in many parts of the country. I think, in many ways, there is much more racism aimed at latino
  16. Thanks, wasn't questioning it. I'm looking to see how much, if any, the federal gov't spends on sex ed, but like someone said, 176 isn't really much at all. And for the record at least in Florida, we don't have abstinence only, though they do stress that abstinence is the only 100% fail safe method.
  17. Care to cite the 176 million figure? As for "fuck": I maintain it's just a word, there's no need to get riled up or offended about it, especially if it's used simply as an additive to a sentence. But whatever.
  18. I'm speaking in generalities. You don't really see much direct attacking coming from McCain, but it's out there, and nobody questions the sources.
  19. Either everyone who believes in god is batshit insane, or nobody is. There really isn't any room for a middle ground here.
  20. I thought it was already fixed, mother fucker.
  21. Politicians tend to not get their hands dirty, especially when they've got millions of people who will eagerly do it for them.
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