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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Paul Pierce isn't the best player on his own team. He's obnoxious.
  2. LA is now in the mix. Offered Andre Either. That's no better than Hermida or Willingham. LA's positional strengths in the organization aren't much help to Boston. 1B and 3B. LA would have one of the most expensive outfields ever if they got Manny.
  3. The sticking point was Pittsburgh demanded a ML ready starter and the Red Sox wouldn't give up one of theirs. So they asked the Marlins to throw in Ryan Tucker. The Marlins asked for an extra 2 million for him, and that's where it fell apart. Sounds like everyone was being stubborn, but the stubbornness started with Pittsburgh and spread from there.
  4. The Marlins want the money, the Pirates want the prospects. I would say to a team like Boston, Clay Buccholz or Masterson is worth a hell of a lot more in a trade than 7 million.
  5. Oh well. Bay to Tampa? Manny stays in Beantown?
  6. Everything I'm reading says it's because Pitt wanted not just Hermida, but a ML Ready starter and 2 more prospects on top of that.
  7. I know it's a bit, but I will fight you.
  8. I blame the Pirates in all of this. Greedy mother fuckers.
  9. For a second I thought that said Gaby Sanchez. I would've gone and firebombed the front office if it did. Gaby Hernandez has been long called "Little Pedro", since he's a small guy with a lot of angles and changes in speed. He's not Pedro, don't get me wrong, but he'll probably be a 4 or 5 starter before it's all said and done. His ERA in AA and AAA the last two years are pretty ugly, but his peripheral stats are all there. Fortunately he's about 7th on our pitching prospect list. The most amazing thing about this whole thing is how fucking good the Marlins minor league system has becom
  10. love him or hate him, he's a funny guy.
  11. And apparently the 3 team deal with hermida in Pitt, manny here, and bay in boston (plus all kinds of shit all3 ways) has been sent to the commish for approval.
  12. mike Jacobs and Taylor tankersley to sf for bengie Molina, apparently.
  13. I haven't been watching. We are winning, and could be a game out of first.
  14. yeah, from our side, this is sounding like a sure thing.
  15. manny is going to love Florida. The thing I'm saddest about is potentially losing mike Stanton. Kid's a stud.
  16. Man if they could get it done for willingham. Just. Oh man.
  17. It's like this: Being 7 feet tall doesn't mean you will play in the NBA. But it certainly increases your chances. Having a bajillion dollar payroll doesn't garauntee you will have a good team, but it definitely doesn't hurt. You have to spend the money well, but if you do, you should be able to put a good team together. Like you said, they had to have an amazing 3 week run just to get there. Lower payroll teams have to fly just to get to where higher payroll teams can walk. The problem of course comes when players underperform (Or simply aren't that good, as is the case with the Tiger
  18. They had a better team at least partly because they had more resources to put said team together.
  19. I remember people going nuts for "Living With War". I was baffled, because I thought it was absolutely awful, but whatever. And man, some of you people really need to lighten up and look up the word "subjective" in the dictionary, god damn.
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