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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I do this and a Marlins messaged board, but that one isn't a music board. There is music discussion though, including some pretty good stuff re: Dr. Dre and Eminem today.
  2. So, I'm a hick, right? That's what we're implying here?
  3. No, but I did put cake batter in once, along with cookie dough. I am what is wrong with America. More like Dairy Spleen, am I right? That one guy is being mean, by the way.
  4. As a rule, I root for NL teams when they make it to the world series anyways, and would do so for the Brewers and Cubs. I would have to think long and hard about the Phillies, Mets, and Braves, though.
  5. Huh? Who are you? And how do you know me so well already?!?!
  6. I'm not sure their ineptitude makes them an underdog. This is why I don't feel bad for Cubs fans either. And I don't expect people to feel bad for Marlins fans every time management tears the team apart. We know the drill by now, we can stop rooting for them whenever we want.
  7. Top 10, probably. This is probably meant to be snarky, but I'll take it as a complement. Though I haven't eaten at a DQ in a few months, I did work there for a year, and since I hated the job and was actively trying to get fired for most of the last 6 months, I'm pretty sure I tried every blizzard combination while there...
  8. If anyone is an expert on the DQ, it's me.
  9. I meant, of course, relative to their Pythagoreon W/L, but I understand where the confusion could have come in. *May the team with the best W/L record at the end of the season win the world series, unless they happen to wear blue, orange, or red as part of their uniform. In which case, they should lose in the first round of the playoffs. Fixed it for you
  10. Really, we need this one a lot more than either of the other team's does. It could go a long way in securing popular support for our stadium. Have some sympathy.
  11. It isn't a flip flop when democrats do it, it is doing the right thing because politicians jobs is to follow what the people want.
  12. If you win a higher proportion of 1 run games than would be expected, and you can't define why with statistics, then yeah I'd say that's mostly due to luck. You can call it grit or whatever, but it all means the same thing: Nothing. If you win a higher proportion of any "type" of game, it is probably attributable to luck. Because most of the time, most teams perform exactly the same in 1 run games as they do overall. I don't think I ever said luck is the thing that mostly affects a team's w/l. But if you are overperforming or underperforming your run differential, a good portion of that is
  13. I got yelled at by my mom last week for shouting obsenities after a Mike Jacob's at bat during a Marlins game.
  14. That was my initial post. I think that implies that in the long term, I think the Phillies are the more difficult team to beat in September, or at the very least it implies that the Mets will be the easier team to beat in September. And yes, the Phillies are the better team today, yesterday, and going forward. The best team doesn't always have the best record. There are tons of things that can affect a team's W/L, mostly luck. I have no problem reading standings or understanding games back. I just put very little stock in a team's record at 100 games. It doesn't really matter what their r
  16. Really? You couldn't tell I was speaking in general and not referring to the W/L record? Really? You couldn't tell I was speaking in regards to the season as a whole when I said the Phillies were the team I was more worried about in September? Really? Really? Obviously the Mets have the best record right now. Nobody could debate that because it is fact. That doesn't mean they are the best team in the division this year, and it doesn't mean they will have the best record even tonight. What bait? The bait of discussing baseball in a baseball thread?
  17. I can take this one: New York. Specifically some place in SoHo (I think) that I found that had buffalo chicken pizza for like a dollar a slice.
  18. I was referring to the Mocha Porter. I'm probably done with this discussion. I should've been about 3 hours ago, but I've been really bored today.
  19. Run differential, Pythagorean record, ERA, Runs scored. You know, statistics? Real things? Each team has 2 great hitters, some pop around them, and some crap. The Marlins probably have the best offense, though they play in the worst hitter's park, so their total run numbers are slightly lower. The Phillies have far and away the best pitching, though Joe Blanton isn't really anything more than a neutral addition, the Marlins have the worst pitching, though the starters should be a lot better since they are replacing 2 spots that had eras in the sixes for 2 guys who should put up no worse than
  20. The Brewers don't play in the East, though if they did, they'd probably be the best team in the division.
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