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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Jeb would make a much better president than w.
  2. I just have trouble blaming other people for my problems. That doesn't solve anything. Do advertisers manipulate us? Absolutely. Do we still have the choice to not buy their products. Absolutely. Is it wrong of them to use ads that make us want to buy their products? Absolutely not. We live in a capitalist economy, and the corporation's responsibility ends at their bottom line. Whether you agree with that or not, isn't the issue. In our society, we have developed a system where the individual is responsible for their actions. Obviously if Burger King laces their burgers with arsenic, they h
  3. When I listen to that song, that line still gives me shivers. Even though I've seen the commercial 5000000 times. But let's please not get into that.
  4. Really terrific little folky power pop album out of Portland. I'm really digging this album.
  5. The dumb people think she is, the smart people think she's not attractive at all. Apparently because she is too attractive.
  6. It is Fox News and CNN's fault that I use it. I cannot help it. Their flashing lights and eye catching graphics have warped my fragile little mind. I cannot help it.
  7. Yeah, unfortunately, 83% of all Americans are retarded. We need to stop the culture of victimization and start blaming ourselves for our woes. If I am overweight, it isn't because McDonald's is making me eat their burgers. If I have low self esteem, it has nothing to do with Brad Pitt's six pack. People don't want to take blame for their fuck ups. Parents don't want to take blame for anything their kids do wrong, and they certainly don't want to punish them. People don't want to take accountability for their actions or inactions. This isn't Jessica Simpson's fault. Jessica Simpson is what
  8. More or less, that for an hour and a half. Not a good movie (Jason Lee is pretty awesome as always), but you won't be able to turn away. I apologize for being a chauvanist pig, by the way.
  9. But that doesn't mean men don't have a voice in the discussion. Especially since most people would argue that men are at fault for the negative implications. Again, I have to say this is an example of personal vs. corporate responsibility, and in the end, in my opinion, corporate responsbility ends at the bottom line, and person responsibility never really ends.
  10. Jude has such a way with words. That said, I'm not sure I've ever been more attracted to a woman than her in Heartbreakers.
  11. 5'9" according to my driver's license, but that is from 2 years ago, when I was a wee lad of 17. So who knows?
  12. More recent, unfortunate pictures of JLH...
  13. Something bad happened to JLH recently. I mourn the loss of her hotness.
  14. For the record, there is a big difference in my eyes between the terms cute, hot, pretty, and beautiful. Cute: Ellen page, Natalie Portman. Hot: Carmen Electra, Jessica Alba. Pretty: Kate Bosworth, Mandy Moore. Beautiful: Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johanson
  15. Part one implies being attracted to the Barbie doll is less intelligent. Part two tries to say that while part one does say that, it doesn't really. Good job... Jessica Beil is the absolute furthest thing from a man in the world. So she's got some muscle definition.
  16. Why is it that we as a society decided that finding the "barbie doll" aesthetic attractive is an unintelligent thing to do? Because, really, that is what it comes down to. Lots of people look down on people who are attracted to "idealized" beauty, as if it is somehow easier to think Jessica Simpson is attractive. Note the "jr. high" comment, above. Jessica Simpson is incredibly attractive, both for a "barbie doll" and for, like, a human being. I don't think she's the most attractive woman in the world (that title does to either Jessica Beil, Scarlett Johanson, or Marrissa Miller), but she'
  17. Wait, really. People aren't attracted to her? I mean, I know she's an idiot, and she's annoying. But that doesn't really matter, does it? Not in this case, anyways.
  18. As a digression, peeing outside when it is cold is one of life's most enjoyable activities.
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