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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I think there might be underlying racism or sexism against them. Nobody is coming out and saying it, but people are finding irrational reasons for not supporting them.
  2. He's sort of funny. But I can't stand his sound.
  3. This is immature, and childish. You people should be ashamed. AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS
  4. I'm tentatively a fan of the Parcells signing. He's shown a pretty consistent pattern of not being with teams long term, so I'd hate to see him set up shop for 2 years and then head out. Either way, there's no way he leaves the team in worse shape than he gets it. I'd like to see them talk to Cowher as a head coaching possibility, but I haven't heard anything about that. I believe Morris was a FA. Just another in a line of mediocre Dolphins (Welker, Evans) who go to the Patriots and become good. My point with Welker was he is a decent slot reciever, but he is more Brandon Stokely than he
  5. I did not know this was a regional type beer. They sell it down here, and it is quite good.
  6. Dead serious. That might be the best trade the Dolphins have made in years. He's a good slot reciever. But, to be honest, anyone could have gotten 100 catches in that system playing slot. The fact that he was good for them doesn't change that they gave up a 2nd and 7th rounder for him. That was a steal for the Phins.
  7. How did the Patriots buy their team? They made an unbelievably bright move by trading a 4th rounder for Moss, and then overpaid for Welker.
  8. Santa made a wrong turn at Helsinki and has been trying to find his way. (Or, more specifically, Santa just spent like 400 dollars on books so he's doing what he can. It's all here, he just needs to pack up the sleigh. The reindeer are being awfully lazy now that the big day's over.)
  9. Not a kiss of death. It's just an endorsement.
  10. I was pleasently surprised with the Simpsons Movie. It was better than at least the last 8 years of the show.
  11. Yep. There are so many players that were superior to Rice that aren't in. That is why I think all of the anger about Rice is unfounded. Sure, there are worse players in the hall, but there are better ones out.
  12. He really only had 5 or 6 really great seasons. He wasn't ever a great defender. He lost his ability to walk during the middle of his career. etc. Definition of borderline.
  13. It might give the person a worse country. It all depends on if you believe in trickle down economics, or that lower or no taxes ulitmately lead to a better economy that meets the needs of the consumer. I personally do not, but that doesn't mean I am right. It's certainly possible.
  14. I could easily see how lower taxes are in an individual's best interests. In fact, I don't see how you could argue they aren't in the individuals best interest. Taxes are an example of the individual giving up a part of their well being for the greater good.
  15. I would put Albert Belle in above him.
  16. The whole "OMG TEH REPUBLICANZ ARE THE WORSTEST!!" crap. We get it. But guess what, people are allowed to have opinions and shouldn't have to deal with an underinformed moron shouting at them on the internet.
  17. Can you stop this crap, man?
  18. I just remembered she was the one who introduced me to the giant isopods... That is the kind of bitterweet memory that this type of thing always brings out. It is really hard for me (and I'm sure many of you) to come to grips with this. It's really hard to wrap my mind around the fact that even though I didn't know her in real life, she was still very much a real person who meant so much to so many people and impacted their lives in tremendous ways. It makes me wish I had known her more than just, you know, being friends on viachicago and livejournal and stuff. And to know that won't happe
  19. I'm sure this has been covered elsewhere, but how have you been?
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