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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I would also like to see the amount of teams who have won who aren't in the top 10 in offense. Great teams have both good offenses and good defenses. If you win the Super Bowl you are a great team.
  2. No it doesn't. Maybe if the saying was "Great quarterbacks win games, but you can overcome that by having great everything else" then yes, it would. But I would guess most of these teams whose QBs sucked and they made it or won did so with great running games and a dominant reciever or two, plus a great defense.
  3. He's had a great postseason, though. They didn't make it there in spite of him. I've never been one to judge a QB by super bowl appearances, so I don't really care about this argument one way or the other, but he's been stellar in the last 4 games, including the one against the Pats. It would be a discussion worth having if he had shit the bed and they won anyways. He's carried them to victory.
  4. Brady would've never had a shot if Bledsoe doesn't get hurt.
  5. He was knocked out in the first week of the season with internal bleeding.
  6. I met him, but it was when I was too young to know any better. My mom's college roommate's husband is his agent, so I've got all sorts of crap signed by him. Maybe when I'm of age I can go out drinking with him. That would probably be fun times.
  7. This dude has been suspended so many times, when is he just gonna be banned?
  8. I guess watching Jay Fiedler, Ray Lucas, Gus Frerotte, Damon Huard, Brian Greise, AJ Feeley, Sage Rosenfels, Daunte Culpepper, Joey Harrington, Trent Green, John Beck, and Cleo Lemon for the past 8 years has changed my definition of what a shity quarterback is.
  9. He's been a decent, not great, but decent quarterback for the majority of his career. They act like he is the worst player in the league.
  10. Eli's looked so good this playoffs. I'm curious to hear what all of the (dumb) Giants fans are saying now.
  11. I happen to disagree, but I do agree that newspapers will have to change to survive.
  12. I'm not sure he would say something like that... Seems like a logical reason to dislike a player.
  13. Because we are never going to not be in debt. It is a reality of the situation. I don't personally think it is a bad thing.
  14. We can keep talking about the national debt. It doesn't mean anything.
  15. Well, I was going by what Wikipedia said, so you are probably right.
  16. Reportedly overdosed on heroin. Sucks, he was damn talented.
  17. Bonnaroo is the premier music festival in this country.
  18. The band: Canoe The album: Places The song: Ugly Kids Stellar.
  19. Well, I've always been of the opinion that the value of a defensive player is overrated, at least inasmuch as it isn't quantifiable (even the best defensive metrics are still mostly guesswork). Tulowitski's defense may make up for the (huge) difference in offense, but I don't know for sure. So based on what I can know, I think Hanley's the better player. I am skeptical of any player who derives most of their value from defense, especially if I haven't been able to watch them.
  20. Not even close, for me. Hanley Ramirez is one of the 5 most valuable offensive players in the league. Tulowitzki's glove can't make up for that, imo.
  21. I think Jeb could be a borderline good president.
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