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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I would disagree with this entire assertion, though I am a big believe in the Malthusian Theory on population expansion. I don't believe aid will necessarily do anything to alleviate any of the problems in Africa. Oh, maybe for a generation, maybe even two, we could help. But the population is going to keep growing and if they can't develop enough food to subsist on their own now, they definitely will not be able to do so when the population doubles and triples in the coming years. People get really pissed off when I say this, usually, because it makes me sound like a heartless bastard, but
  2. There is no difference between Osama Bin Laden planning the murder of some 3,000 civilians and a company cashing in on people's idiocy by making paper cutouts of Bin Laden for said idiots to shoot at. Anybody who believes there is a difference is a moral hypocrit.
  3. Well, more precisely, civilian deaths are the means to which they hope to attain their goals. Whereas for the American Military, civilian deaths are an unintended and unfortunate reality of the situation. They certainly aren't the intention. Hilary and Obama aren't economic scholars either. I don't think it's fair to say one way or the other that any of them are worse on economics.
  4. I didn't think a McCain nom would ever be a cake walk for the dems.
  5. So terrorism that isn't by Al Queada isn't as bad, according to some people here.
  6. Currently watching Across the Universe. Awful. Every song that Evan Rachel Wood/Lucy sings is absolutely awful. The use of auto tuning is so obvious, I can't get over it. How hard is it to get someone that can sing on key?
  7. These people would go ahead and disagree. Terrorism never happens in Japan too. Good point.
  8. I used to hate damn near everything the Velvet Underground ever did. I still do, as a matter of fact. But "Oh! Sweet Nuthin'" is at least as good as most people think all of their other crappy stuff is.
  9. Diehard Republicans and Democrats (capital letters) will have none of that, apparently.
  10. Then the only person here whose judgment can be trusted by this criteria is Obama (And of course, Dr. Paul), since he is the only one who didn't vote to approve the war. We are there. Like I've said numerous times before, whether you agree with that decision made 5 years ago (I don't, for the record), it doesn't change the fact that we are there. The more important questions are should we pull out now? Will the means eventually be justified by the ends? Will invading other countries also be a bad move? Can we use the invasion to assess these questions? In some cases, sure we can. But shou
  11. This is not what we should be debating. The fact that people keep going back to this proves how little people actually think about things.
  12. Welcome to American Politics. Nice of you to join us.
  13. What stuff are they saying? These guys aren't stupid, they know pulling out within the first 100 days is a stupid, stupid move. Anything they might say on the campaign trail is just bullshit to keep the masses happy. And if they truly believe they can pull the troops out in 100 days, or whatever, McCain is going to destroy them in debates on it.
  14. Well, the whole back room deal between Huckabee and McCain in West Virginia says a lot to me.
  15. I was just about to quote this. What a fucking douche.
  16. There's no way Huckabee stands a chance. He's looking to be McCain's VP.
  17. I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to be talking about this.
  18. Well, I also agree that it is fucking stupid that the left and right can't agree on this and find alternative fuels. The left has their whole green agenda, and the right wants to get us off foreign oil. Why the fuck can't they just get together regardless of the reasoning. They seem to just disagree for the sake of disagreeing. But until both parties stop being the pawns of the oil companies, we'll never see real change in energy policy.
  19. Nobody is denying global warming exists. It does, and has countless times througout the earth's history. The question is what is causing it? There are a myriad of possibilities, but if you don't accept that human's are the one and only cause, you get lampooned.
  20. Well, that's where my point that anyone who displays any amount of certainty is suspicious is because it's a fucking confusing issue. There is way too much going on too be able to express any amount of certainty on this.
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