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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. "Long Road To Ruin" is at least as good as anything on SBS.
  2. Tebow can throw it, alright. But he's got no accuracy. And he's not nearly agile enough to make it as a run- first qb in the NFL. He runs like a fullback.
  3. The hatred these guys have for Florida is bordering on psychopathic.
  4. It was a Rule V draft and trade. They had never intended to keep him. Would've been nice, though.
  5. Marlins fans everywhere are crushed. Now we are going to trade for Wes "Fucking" Helms.
  6. Eh, I'd still rather be a Marlins fan with a payroll of 10 million than a D-Rays or Pirates fan, for what it's worth. And hey, for all you people screaming about ballplayers being overpayed, you should have a new favorite team!
  7. I can't see that. They excercised an option on him earlier in the offseason.
  8. I'm surprisingly empathetic towards the plight of farmes in the early 19th century. I could say it is my biggest flaw.
  9. Key words. Fact of the matter is, nobody knows what is going to happen. The Earth has gone through rapid cooling and warming stages millions of times, and it is in one of those right now. I don't know what impact we are having, and here's the big news: neither do you. It is all conjecture. There are scientists out there who don't believe in global warming. Should they be ignored? Climatology is a science that is still in it's infancy. Much of the future forecasting is based on outdated computer models. It is next to impossible to accurately predict anything when it comes to the climate, b
  10. Nobody knows, because nobody can force an MLB team to open their books. But, from what I understand, the ownership is using these last few years to make up lost money in 03-05. Apparently, over the course of their ownership they are about 9 million up, which has got to be the lowest number in all of baseball.
  11. Brennan is not going to be a great NFL quarterback. But Tebow is not going to be an NFL quarterback. Period. I don't see either QB being anything in the NFL. But Tebow has trouble hitting anyone further than 5 yards away, and plays as a glorified fullback in that offense.
  12. I can't wait to watch Juan Pierre get paid 9 million a year to OPS .690 as a corner outfielder while Matt Kemp doesn't hit 30 home runs while sitting on the bench. Ned Coletti is the dumbest man in sports.
  13. Of the numerous possibilities, I've never once heard Columbus.
  14. That doesn't really make any sort of point contrary to mine. I wish we had a new owner that was able to put more of his money into the stadium and team, but since we don't (and since MLB can't force him to sell, and he has no intentions of doing so) I'm not going to slag on the team for doing the best they can. He is the owner. It is the reality of the situation. The situation would be much better if we had a stadium that would represent a significant income for the team to take advantage of the large market. Because, as is, even if we had 35,000 coming to each game, we wouldn't be able to spe
  15. But, like I said, the Marlins pretty much the onlyt eam in the league without any real revenue avenues anywhere else. That's the problem.
  16. Are you going to do that thing where you hop in, make some personal attacks, act shocked and offended when I respond in kind, and then scurry away in mock disgust? :realmad
  17. Huh? The guy should be forced to take net losses because nobody goes to his games and the owner prior to him (John Henry, considered a prick to Marlins' fans and a god to Red Sox fans) signed a terrible contract for the team's current lease that essentially gains them no profit on games? When no other owner in any sport anywhere does? I mean, I'm not happy with having a 15 million dollar payroll, but I understand why. Do I wish we had a different owner who was more willing to put his own personal money into the team? Sure. But there's not much I can do about it, so I have to live with the fa
  18. If I'm not mistaken, he is trying to make a reference to the constitution, which only explicitly states a few "real" powers for the government but implies many other.
  19. Probably. Now that I read back a few pages, yep, you are doing that thing. That's cool. You are nothing if not consistent. For the record, my name isn't Bob. It's really annoying when you call me "Bob" as if it were my name. You can call me "bob", but not "Bob".
  20. It's only ridiculous because he's been injured for most of the year, and has been a non factor for much of the last few games.
  21. If Tebow gets it I'll be so upset. Same with Brennan really. Both are the very definition of system QB's. And I don't like Daniels. I'd rather see Kevin Smith there.
  22. I'm not paying attention ot this thread anymore, but is that dirty guy still doing that thing where he pretends his opinion is fact? I bet he is.
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