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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Well, the past few years, I remember the buzz around the league being the Colts' defense for the first 5 weeks or so, so let's see if this holds up. I'd like to see them beat the Pats as I don't really like them, but I don't see it. But, in the immortal words of Dennis Green, "You want to crown them, go ahead and crown their asses."
  2. Yeah, my roommate's a die hard dolphins fan (even more so than I am) so he was hating on him, but I also couldn't help but admire it. They are a seriously entertaining team to watch. Nothing quite like seeing football executed completely perfectly. Belichek's got it made in his post game conferences. When the worst thing you can say is "our second team defense gave up a touchdown", you're doing your job right.
  3. I actually think the NFL made a big mistake in outing Belichek for the videotaping thing, because I think that gave them extra motivation. Although I'd say the majority of the reason they are doing so well is that Moss is unstoppable and Brady is out of his mind right now. Did you guys see the false start from the 4 yard line with like 4 minutes left on Sunday? Up 45-7 and they are about to score again when they lineman gets falled for a false start. They just show Brady look at him and say "God fucking damnit". Dude is seriously nuts right now.
  4. I think the Pats are the better team, and potentially one of the greatest ever. I've seen them 4 times this season and even when they are blowing people out, I want to keep watching because they play the game so well it's amazing to watch. Brady is playing with a fire I've never seen from him before...
  5. This makes them the best team in the East. I know someone is going to say "omg he is not teh team player" whatever. He's the best player in the NBA, and he makes any team better. I'm not sure why Bulls fans think Deng is going to be the second coming, but if he's the best player they are giving up to get Kobe "I Score 50 With My Eyes Closed" Bryant then thats a good trade. Would you have said the Heat gave up too much to get Shaq? Sure, it probably made them worse off for the future, as he's declining and still making tons of money, but it won them a title. Absolutely worth it, as will be th
  6. Say what you will about Brett, but that was an amazing throw. Wow.
  7. Me: Ok. Cool. So I would have to pay for other people's right to buy useless shit (as opposed to them saving their money for when they need it). I'm mostly playing devil's advocate here. I don't mind a more centralized health care system, but this logic doesn't follow.
  8. You: Instead of saving money for health insurance, we should have the government pay for it. That way we can keep the economy going by buying useless shit. Me: Ok. Cool. So I would have to pay for other people's right to buy useless shit (as opposed to them saving their money for when they need it). I can't wait. God bless the USA.
  9. So I would have to pay for other people's right to buy useless shit.
  10. (.gif of the little boy saying something that looks like he might be saying "Thats racist")
  11. I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with this. Say what you want about the morality of war, but you can't deny the economic impact of a war. It puts more money into the economy that it takes out, is my guess.
  12. The Yankees had higher ERA+'s than this year's every year they made the world series in the late 90's, early 00's. So, yeah.
  13. He's widely regarded as the best leadoff hitter, best shortstop, most exciting player, best god of godly gods, etc when he is, in fact an above average hitter who is really fast and is an average defender. He's maybe the third best SS in the NL East, and he's maybe the 7th or 8th best infielder in the NL East. He's nice, he's fun to watch, he steals a lot of bases, which is kind of an overrated skill, but he's going to be a lock for ASG for the next decade merely because he plays in NY. (BTW, this is mostly just me being bitter that Hanley just had one of the best years I've ever personally
  14. Also, I like the apologies for linking Fox's unbiased article. I wonder if he (or anyone from this board) would apologize for linking CNN, which is, at least in their broadcasting, as biased as Fox, but on the other side.
  15. I actually though that his hints about A-Rod weren't supposed to be steroid related, but were somehow tied to A-Rod being gay. Thats what I read anyways.
  16. The rumors around Miami during his absolutely atrocious 2005 (the year they started publicly outing people who failed steroid tests) was that he was no longer on them, implying that he had been prior to that. Look, I like the guy, he went to my school and was a big key for my team for 5 years, but to say A-Rod is going to be on the list when nobody ever suspected him of anything except being sort of a bitch for slapping at someone's glove is ludicrous. But, any chance to diss the Yanks!
  17. I would go ahead and disagree with this. Their offense is going to get one year older, Delgado's going to be awful again this year (probably worse than last year), and with the exception of Wright, their infield was amazingly average last season, even Reyes, who continues to be the most overrated player in the game. I'd say the Red Sox golden boy (of the moment) Lowell is much more likely to be on that list than Arod.
  18. Jeez, what a beautiful, compelling, sad picture. It really tells the story. I feel really bad for Helton, he seemed like the most passionate guy out there on that team night in and night out. One of the most enduring images of this season for me will be him jumping, superman style into his waiting teammates after hitting a walkoff.
  19. OK, that makes perfect sense. Actually looking at it, better than the Yankees of the last few years, not the best ever. Very good, yes. But if the Sox sign Arod, and I hear a Red Sox fan refer to the Yankees as the "Evil Empire" ever again, I'll lose my lunch.
  20. Meh. What a boring postseason. Seriously, one of the most boring I can remember. Congrats to the Sox. Also, god damn, Joe Buck has no emotion ever. He sucks the life out of any situation.
  21. No. Arguably not better than the Yankees' the last few years.
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