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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Most of the time I'm clear focused all around, Most of the time I can keep both feet on the ground, I can follow the path, I can read the signs, Stay right with it, when the road unwinds, I can handle whatever I stumble upon, I don't even notice she's gone, Most of the time. Most of the time It's well understood, Most of the time I wouldn't change it if I could, I can't make it all match up, I can hold my own, I can deal with the situation right down to the bone, I can survive, I can endure And I don't even think about her Most of the time. Most of the time My head is on straight, Most of
  2. If there wasn't a thread about it here, I wouldn't even know about it. That's basically how I justify it. That and IT'S A FUCKING THIRTY SECOND COMMERCIAL!
  3. In all honesty, I don't give a crap. But stop taking me seriously, man. I'm full of shit.
  4. I think I've made it abundantly clear that I have no real opinions on anything, so all I can do is make smart ass comments. At least I didn't come storming onto the board on my high horse making my opinion known as fact. You are a "no nonsense" guy. I am an "all nonsense" guy. Thus I'm allowed to do it. Duh. Also, I've noticed this seems to be your schtick. You've ignored numerous serious posts and questions by intelligent posters who have made great points, and then you respond to clowns like me.
  5. Either way, why even bother?
  6. Olsen has had 4 bad starts out of 12. He's great, but if he greats frazzled he loses it.
  7. Nothing. I haven't heard this song since like the first time I watched the DVD, or something. But if I did, it would probably be the Living Room Show, when he sang it.
  8. That has nothing to do with it. Thats a stupid response to an intelligent, well thought out post. Good job.
  9. What about water bottles that haven't been opened yet?
  10. Ok, I need to make a checklist of things to bring with me for the festival as well as for each day. I've got: Me. Ticket. Shoes. Pants. Shirt. Backpack with 3 bottles of water, 2 frozen, one very cold. About 20 bucks a day. Cell Phone. Any suggestions? I'm really kind of worried that I'm not going to be prepared at all.
  11. I have no problems with A-Man being a moderator, except sometimes he gets all crazy and starts yelling at people about things and one time he said that I was mexican or something. Maybe we could have like an "Emergency A-Man Mod Powers" shut off switch.
  12. No. But I'm not wearing a shirt right now because the AC in my house IS STILL FUCKING BROKEN.
  13. Nazis, global warming, Fugazi, marketing, socialism, NASCAR, sad little status seeking upwardly mobile sales reps, Canada, censorship, health care, and truth, justice and the American Way.
  14. I've got him on my fantasy team.
  15. I read this aloud in a Dane Cook voice, but adding "Fucking" in front of "head" and yelling it. I then LOL'ed.
  16. Maybe he's doing this so that if people don't pay for his music, it's not so bad?
  17. I'm really pissed I'm going to have to miss the last half hour of the Decemberists because they scheduled them at the same time as Wilco... But the Flaming Lips absolutely cannot be missed. I'm probably looking forward to them more than any other band. They are so much fun live, it's like a 50,000 person party. I'm also looking forward to the Cold War Kids. Listening to their album, they sound like a lot of fun live.
  18. I thought "The Love You Make" by Peter Brown was pretty good.
  19. I'm definetly thinking about going to DJ Shadow's set. Aesop Rock, El-P, DJ Shadow > The String Cheese Incident. It should be crazy in This Tent that night.
  20. I got 10, and there's another 10 that I should've gotten if I wasn't such a moron.
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