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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I would guess if they keep the DRM on it they won't.
  2. I wasn't looking forward to this too much, but now I may just check it out.
  3. Cal: You need to stop fucking around with my friend, okay? Because you're giving him hope, and it's driving the man crazy. Amy: I moved, I changed my e-mail address, my phone number. He's practically stalking me. Cal: Well, I didn't know all that. So, I'm sorry.
  4. I kind of feel like if the Jays feel he did something wrong, they get to play the Yankees 14 or 15 more times. They've got like 60 chances to get back at him with a fastball to the numbers. [/story]
  5. I think it'd be better to add it onto Islands of Adventure or something. I could see this getting old really quickly as a standalone.
  6. A website releasing a song =/= shitting on a piece of plastic. But, that is beside the point. You said he sucks and you hate him and he kills puppies and all that. Then you equated his music to shit on a piece of plastic (regardless of the fact that you stated that people like his shit covered plastic, you still made the reference). Basically the same thing.
  7. Wouldn't a carpet do a pretty good job with the bass and kick?
  8. Janitor is great. My friend's and I watch this show all of the time, and I have to agree that the last 2 seasons haven't been as good as the first four were. It's still one of the better shows on tv, but the first 4 seasons were among the best in any show ever. I hope season 7 can finish on a high note. This means less Elliot, please. Her character has been just awful since season 4 when she became friends with Heather Graham's character.
  9. God damnit, just when you thought you couldn't hate him any more. 12 hours later you had to post the same thing? We get it, you don't like Sufjan Stevens. I don't think people are really eating it up, thus far. It seems the only people who like it are the people who didn't like much of his previous stuff.
  10. You're good, though this thread probably belongs in a different forum. I'll let it slide this time. Well, thats problem, isn't it? If it's a person's first post you can't know whether they are trolling, and thats the problem with making your first post a big shot out at the community. I think it's really easy to be mistaken for a troll if nobody knows your posting style. It could be misconstrued as just trying to bait people into an argument.
  11. Trolling is basically just posting to get a rise out of people. I had a problem with him posting something like 100 times in one thread and not posting even once in any others. It doesn't matter, but it irked me and it made me think he was just trolling. I'm hoping he sticks around as he seems intelligent and passionate enough to make positive contributions to the board, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he didn't. I've seen it happen before on this board and many others.
  12. I'm going to have to see if there's any way to get tickets for this Unplugged dealie in Miami.
  13. The threads that are silly are generally meant to be silly, and so they are allowed to wallow in their own silliness. There's a whole silly forum where these sillies are kept. As for the other thing, I had no problem withhis opinion based on the number of posts or how long he'd been a member. I had a problem with him only posting in the thread he created and nowhere else. It reeked of trolling.
  14. Mostly because it seems like an obvious thing to do. I don't have any information at the time (i.e. I'm too lazy to look), but it really doesn't sound too far fetched that many players do it. Maybe no ALL of the time, but probably often enough that it shouldn't be a big deal, and I don't think it would be a big deal if it had been someone else. He was criticized for a real reason, mostly that he came out and defend Giambi in 05 but refused to do so with Arod. 2006, re: ARod: "I said the only thing I wasn't going to do was tell the fans who they should boo and who they shouldn't boo."
  15. I don't think we can say for sure if Jeter would have or wouldn't have done this. Why do we automatically assume that? I think it's just as likely that any player would do this, and I think it does happen a lot, I just think most fielders are used to it. The guy in question has played 16 games at the major league level at 3rd Base and played most of his games in the Minors at 1st base or outfield. I think it was a combination of the "hey" mixed with the fielder being uncomfortable playing the position (not to mention that it was indoors and could have easily been lost in the lights/white roof)
  16. McDonald has played 59 of his 472 major league games at 3rd base, he's not a natural third baseman and so he's probably not used to guys doing it. And so yeah, it "got" to him. Arod says guys do it all of the time, and I'm not surprised by it, it's a good smart strategy. It's not the same as deking a guy with a basketball. It's the same as a defender calling for the ball and tricking the guy with the ball to throwing it to him. There are literally hundreds of parallels in sports (faking a spike and throwing for a touchdown is a pretty famous example) that are designed to trick your opponent
  17. I just don't get how it's any more bush league than any number of other things that are "allowed". I think the majority of the uproar about this is solely becase it was Arod who did it. Again, it wouldn't be an issue of the Jays player kept his head in the game. I half think that watching the video he may have just lost the ball in the lights. He didn't look like he was in position to make the cacth, so he blamed it on him. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x24pdc_bush-league-arod
  18. "acting like a little bitch out on the ballfield" Hah. I can only think of one occassion where that could apply (The Slap). I've never seen a guy get so much crap for something so small. It's a heads up play. The only reason the Blue Jays are mad is because he showed them up and made them look like fools. I'd be shocked if he's the only guy who does this, and it shouldn't even matter. It's no different than a defender in basketball run out next to the guy with the ball and calling for it, or (such as in the 82 CWS) the team faking a missed pickoff to with the bullpen guys pretending to look
  19. Freel didn't even make the catch the other day. The ball fell out of his glove and the other guy on the team put it back in his glove before anyone noticed. It was a head's up play, just like the Arod one. This is a part of the game, and you should do whatever you can to win. I don't see this as any different from the hidden ball trick, or perfecting a balk so that the ump can't tell it's a balk, or blocking the bag with your foot so that the runner can't get his hand on it, or running out of the basepaths to break up a double play, or any number of things that could be seen asmorally wrong
  20. Sergio Mitre has the worst luck. No wonder he used to be a Cub...
  21. One time I saw Jeter bat with razor blades in the handle of his bat. Maybe thats what they mean.
  22. To be completely honest I'm only even vaguely aware of who you are. Ok first of all, I'm not 100% in love with your tone right now.
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