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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I'm still holding out hope that BJ Upton will be the Marlins centerfielder by opening day, and will put up a Hanley Ramirez-lite season (which in itself is a Jose Reyes-super lite season, which is still awesome.), which would make him arguably the most productive center fielder in Marlins history.
  2. I'm not into that whole thing, not that there's anything wrong with that.
  3. This thread reminds me of the Family GUy when PEter admits he doesn't like the Godfather. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZdzv0f02go
  4. Thats the first time anyone's ever said that to me (Except in that other thread when you said it to me).
  5. I made the new thread. I'll be active in the fantasy thread, and I've been doing my research for my pay leage for a couple of months, so if anyone has any questions I can see what Ive got on the specific player and pass it on. I've got my really advanced projections on my other pc, so once I get back to my dorm, I'll have all of my stuff with me.
  6. Rich Hill Anybody got any others? Please direct all fantasy baseball related postage here, thank you.
  7. I would stay away from Zumaya until he either gets a shot at starting or earns the closer spot. Also, he's an injury risk. Baseball has him as a "yellow" on their "Red, Yellow, Green" injury risk list. They have this to say: "Zumaya is one of my favorite players to watch. The bloodshot eyes, the 100 mph fastball, and the explosively dangerous mechanics all have the on-the-edge excitement of an Indy Car race. " Unless Holds is a categorie in your league, stear clear until Todd Jones starts pitching really, really terribly (like, even worse than last year).
  8. Because a good amount of the major projection systems agree this kid is going to be sick. You'd better win that league, man. Thats a great team. Your pitching is ridonkulous.
  9. Nick Johnson's going to be out until May or so, as far as I know, so he's expendable, but keep an eye on his reports and make sure you pick him back up before he comes back. June, even.
  10. Is Rich Hill available? PICK HIM UP IF HE IS!
  11. My best friend's high school was the Fort Lauderdale Flying L's. Their mascot was literally the letter L with wings. The best thing about my school is our mascot: Roary the Panther. He's awesome.
  12. He looks like a really good pitcher. He's definetly going to be the best pitcher in an overrated Sox rotation.
  13. If Zach Braff could only write the Arcade Fire into a movie, they'd be the number one band in the world.
  14. This Dice-K guy looks like the real thing.
  15. This dude is my hero. He's made a career out of fictional, tongue in cheek zombie books. Sweet.
  16. Ok I bought to tickets, and convinced my friend from high school to go with me, and I'm gonna stay with a friend from Georgia Tech. As long as I have the gas money, I'll be there!
  17. I wanted to see them at Langerado, but they were one of two bands I wanted to see that day, and I wasn't paying $50 to see them. Hoping to catch them at Bonnaroo.
  18. I'd say for someone looking to get into Bowie buy Ziggy Stardust and the Ultimate Collection.
  19. Fuck it, I can't afford it, but that didn't stop me from going to the Tweedy show. I'm considering making a week out of it and staying until the 5th to see Modest Mouse, though that's probably pushing it.
  20. Oh well, it's fun to know that for one week everyone else has the same taste as you. Ok, important question. Somehow, there are still tickets available for their show in Atlanta. I'm not entirely sure I will be able to go to the show, but I'm going to try hard to make it. Should I buy the tickets anyways?
  21. Is that on 12 String? That is odd.
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