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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I almost want to say you guys had to have sold your collective souls to the devil, but if that's the case then you need to get a new collective agent.
  2. Johan scratched from his start tomorrow to get his elbow checked out. Mets fans, who did you piss off?
  3. The Tweedy article inspired me to change the design of the football preview issue for the school paper here. Still haven't read it though.
  4. Yeah, well. That's just, like, your opinion, man.
  5. I think a pretty legitimate argument could be made that Outkast deserves to have 3 songs in the top 10. "Hey Ya", "BOB", and "Ms. Jackson" are all among the finest songs of the decade, and also at least two of them were among the most culturally ubiquitous. This is actually making me think Outkast might be the definitive act of the decade. Some bands might have been better (subjective, but whatever), but nobody else had the same cultural impact. "Hey Ya" spawned like 18 annoying catch phrases that fucking everybody said. Same with "Ms. Jackson". I just think if I'm going to remember any gro
  6. When they are driving to the comedy show, I laughed hard.
  7. The way the right attacks Barney Frank for things not having to do with his politics is pretty disgusting. I was watching the video of his response to that woman on Youtube and the first similar video was "The 600,000,000,000 FAG". Rush Limbaugh also likes to play clips of him altered to have a chipmunk voice and then plays a parody song called "Banking Queen" over top of it. Attacking an openly gay politician for being gay in our country is pretty fucking low, in my opinion. It takes a really brave person to be able to put up with the bullshit that comes along with just being openly gay
  8. I really think it's Tiexiera's to lose. It is why I hate sports writers so very, very much.
  9. I wouldn't really have a problem with this.
  10. Since you can't respond to your own post, I will respond in my best Good Old Neon impersonation: Well, 79% of Americans believe in angels. [ChristopherHutchensArticle][/ChristopherHutchensArticle]
  11. The Marlins have the longest streak of 10+ hit games since the 1937 St Louis Browns at 14 in a row.
  12. I love the idea of drafting Tebow to play tight end and Wild Cat him 10 times a game. Hell, put Chad Henne in as the start and get Henne, White (WR), and Tebow (Tight End, H-Back, FB) on the field at the same time for 60 plays. It would give people nightmares.
  13. He's pretty crappy now anyways. He might be an improvement on Sage, but I don't think he realizes he's not good anymore, and is going to keep trying to be good despite all evidence to the contrary.
  14. I turned on espn. brettfavrebrettfavrebrettfavrebrettfavre
  15. If Crow doesn't sign again he should be barred from baseball. What an idiot.
  16. Anyone can played center anywhere. David Ortiz could theoretically play center. Can they play it well? In my opinion, from what I've seen on Hamilton and from what I've read (from old timey scouts and the sabermetric community), he cannot play it well. Hamilton was a centerfielder out of necessity last season. He's got a good arm, and he can play center, but there's a reason he's not playing center now that a better option has come up.
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