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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Come on. Tony Romo is who he is, at this point. He's 29, the window is open now, but there's only a few years left, conceivably. I'm a big fan of Romo's too, but he's not in Peyton's class, and their situations through 48 games are completely different. To compare Peyton Manning starting as a 22 year old rookie and his 22-25 years to Tony Romo from 26-29 is just unfair. Manning didn't have two thousand yard receivers and arguably the best tight end in the league in his first two years in the league.
  2. The Tampa Bucs are really, really bad.
  3. I don't care how they look if they lose. The defense is fucking pathetic.
  4. I usually love Conor, so it's not like I'm only liking his voice in this context, but I just think he's much more confident when he has other people to lean on. The Mystic River stuff has by far his best vocals, and he also sounds really good on this as well. I also thought he was great on Jenny Lewis' version of "Handle With Care."
  5. Nobody has said that here, so I'm not sure there's any chance you'll find what you are looking for.
  6. http://www.nleastchatter.com/fishguts/ I'm far too excited about something I know won't happen, but I really, really like Milton Bradley for the Marlins in 2010.
  7. I mean, I like anyone who gets on base at a .360+ clip at the top of the order. He might be more useful as a 2 hitter, because he's doesn't seem to be a very good baserunner. Players seem to feel less pressure to run in the two spot. He's a decent enough defensive player too, isn't he?
  8. I'll take Fukodome's OBP. No thanks on Soriano.
  9. I think the Cubs have to get rid of him now. There's no way they don't. I mean, you know you aren't going to get more than 450 PAs out of him, but he's a very productive player offensively and he's usually pretty good defensively. If he comes at a cheap price (say, the Cubs eat half of his remaining salary, so the Marlins can pay him the minimum in 10 and trade him after), it makes too much sense not to get him. I know we won't, because we are generally pretty dumb, but I hope the Marlins trade Jorge Cantu, Dan Uggla, and Jeremy Hermida and keep Cody Ross and resign Nick Johnson. If they d
  10. http://www.star-telegram.com/sports/v-print/story/1607526.html In other news, what is with this thread? Where did everyone go?
  11. I think Conor's voice works so well as a contrast to someone else. I adore "Baby Boomer".
  12. FIU looked like poop against Rutgers. Pretty big step back from Alabama, when they looked a lot better. Gotta beat Toledo this weekend. Their offense scares me. Should make my play by play interesting since their should be a ton of offense.
  13. Eh. I mean, I know he has the perception of being a cancer, and I'm not going to approve of what he said this week, but I think a lot of it has been overblown. I think he just doesn't have that filter between his brain and his actions, unfortunately, so he often says things he shouldn't. But he's been good for the most part recently until he got to Chicago, and I tend to believe him when he says the fans in the bleachers are yelling things most of us wouldn't say in any sort of company.
  14. I want the Marlins to trade for Milton Bradley. Any indications the Cubs will eat most of his salary?
  15. That's kind of a dumb reason to "Fucking hate" somebody. You don't like anybody.
  16. He was pretty mediocre in 89, but pretty good in 90. Wilson Alvarez was good for like 3 years and Sosa wasn't good until, like, 1994.
  17. In the office we all picked our champions. I warned my friend against picking USC because you know they have to lose some shit conference game that they should win by 30.
  18. It was a game from like August of 2007 between the Nats and Marlins. Neither team was any good, and it was a noon start on a wednesday. Everyone made a huge deal about it, but those people obviously don't know anything about Miami in August.
  19. Yeah, but Joe Mauer is baseball jesus.
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