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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. We are full of contradictions, each and everyone of us, and GON is no different. The argument he puts up that the religious are too dogmatic and hold too firmly in their beliefs in spite of overwhelming evidence may be true, but it rings hollow when you turn around act in a similar manner. And I know the usual rebuttal to this: "Well, Atheists might be dogmatic, but tell me the last time a group of atheists did so and so." Well, frankly does that matter in the context of this discussion? You accuse the religious of being too dogmatic and then cling for life to your own beliefs about just abo
  2. I think the problem with this discussion is that you very rarely are willing or able to give those who draw your ire the benefit of the doubt. In this case, Speed Racer is giving the religious the benefit of the doubt that most who oppose gay marriage would do so with or without religion. Since you look at religion from your very rigid point of view, you refuse to accept this possibility. I don't think you or anyone could disagree with the assertion that you are probably the most inflexible person on this board, at least when it comes to the topic of religion. Honestly, despite the fact
  3. More pictures, because it's 2 am and I'm not tired and she's sleeping. The ceremony was on the 42nd floor of a building in Downtown Miami, really beautiful place to have a wedding, even if you're afraid of heights like I am. The view. A little view of the area. Alba's father giving me his daughter's hand. The toast. With my folks.
  4. I got married! Us dancing to "It's Just That Simple" by Wilco, our first dance. Picked what I could from my friend's crappy facebook photos. Will have high quality well lit ones later in the week.
  5. Well, we're paying for a photographer, so we'll have those pictures. And I'm sure there will be hundreds of pictures taken by friends, so I'll make sure to post the good ones as soon as I get them. So far it has been a fairly quiet, non hectic, boring day. I'm sure that will change as soon as we reach where the wedding is being held and realize how much crap has to get done in a two hour span. But for now, it's totally non stressful. I should probably eat at some point, though.
  6. Just got the hair cut, now off to pick up the flowers. Strangely, that's about it for my responsibilities for the rest of the day. Thanks everyone.
  7. Yeah, i don't see a problem with either of those signings. Hell, Andruw might even be able to do a passable imitation of an average outfielder.
  8. I thought SBS sounded like a collection of Beatles solo songs on one record.
  9. Hey, they got the MVPs right! But how the hell does Chase Utley only finish 8th?
  10. I was up in Gainesville last weekend for the football game and was pleased to hear they sold Sweetwater and Magic Hat there.
  11. Once again, I keep going back to the fact that my original point was only in response to WMF asking the Palin people what specific personal rights have been infringed upon by Obama. Using that argument makes the people grumbling about Bush sound awfully hollow. I'm not saying it's ok that the 0.1% have their liberties taken away. At all. Just that in this discussion, when a lot of people (On this board and everywhere) were hysterical about Bush, you can't then turn around and ask what has affected these people when people who complained about Bush couldn't do the same. I'm sorry if my po
  12. I have no doubts about this either. But I also have very little doubt that if Obama was introducing some of the legislation that was introduced during Bush, a good majority of Democrats wouldn't blink. It's the nature of the beast that is partisan politics. Everyone's going to give their guy the benefit of the doubt that he'll do the right thing and everyone knows the other guy is evil and will abuse his power.
  13. Well, like I said, I was responding more to what I saw as the personal nature of the initial post.
  14. I meant to make this point. I just don't see the huge different between either of the two. And also, my original point was someone was asking what specific rights have been infringed upon by Obama for those specific people. The same can be asked of the innumerable people who said that about Bush. For 99.9% of our population, nothing has really changed with either as far as civil liberties are concerned.
  15. It's really easy to say "what freedoms are people losing under Obama", but the fact of the matter is there was much hysterics in Bush's term over the loss of our personal freedoms, but can anyone point to me specifically where they personally lost freedom at the hands of Bush? You can make an argument about our country's uses of torture and wire tapping as infringements on freedom, but if you're going to use the "What have you personally lost argument" against them it falls pretty flat.
  16. Probably the same ones everyone was saying we were going to lose under Bush.
  17. Because it seemed totally unfair to say that.
  18. A weezer thread I haven't gotten in on? I've only heard two songs from this album. I love the lead single so much that I'm setting myself up for failure. I really think "(If You're Wondering)" is just a fantastic single. That Letterman performance with the horns is so cool. Kind of nice to see Rivers without the guitar; nice to know there's a front man of a band I could have better stage presence than The only other song I've heard is the Lil Wayne one. Holy shit, that's fucking terrible. But I can't begrudge the band, they seem to really enjoy what they do, they still have a lot of
  19. I've come up with a sliding scale from most dangerous to least dangerous: The intelligent person who doesn't believe a word he says; Rush Limbaugh. The dumb person who believes everything he says; Glenn Beck The intelligent person who believes everything he says; Keith Olberman The dumb person who doesn't believe a word he says; I still haven't found this person, but I imagine it'd be like watching a puppy read a history book. Adorable and completely harmless.
  20. Maddow is way, way more unwatchable than Beck. I want to kick her in the face every single time I see her.
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