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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. The Dr. Dog show we saw was probably the smallest I've ever seen for a "name" band, i suppose. Though I think when I saw them at Langerado, they were on the stage furthest to the back and it rained the night before so you had to tramp through mud to get there. There might have been less people for that than at the 400 bar.
  2. This has to be a bit, right? Or am I just feeding the troll?
  3. This is your best bit since The Masked Hater, but I'm not falling for it for a second, El Famous.
  4. Man, Ben Sheets' 2004 is underlooked as far as freaky dominant pitching seasons go. 10.0 K/9 and 1.2 BB/9. Ridiculous.
  5. we've done this before. I don't think rings should be the deciding factor in QB discussions.
  6. That was a terribly offensive and insultingly oversimplified analogy. It's like a bad Glenn Beck Mad Lib.
  7. I'm trying really hard not to criticize his personal situation because I don't know it, it just seems strange to me to complain about it. I get the principle of "working 5 months for free" and all that, but ultimately, if I were in that position, I would just chalk it up to the cost of living that lifestyle, and be happy with that I have. I dunno. I hear that kind of complaint a lot and to me, it rings hollow. To me, it sounds like the person feels they are entitled to every cent they earn, and I just don't see it that way. Chalk it up to just ideological differences on a fundamental level.
  8. I guess it's just the principle of it, but from what I understand, the 35%+ tax bracket is for those who make $400,000~ or more. I can't imagine myself complaining about coming home with $200,000, being the young naive kid I am, I guess. Also, maybe he's including state income taxes, SS, and all that other crap?
  9. Far be it for me to criticize or comment on anyone's personal situation that I don't know that much about, but in a vacuum, I'd love to be in the position to be in the tax bracket that pays 40% of my income.
  10. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/images/01/25/FavreINT.mp3 Great reaction by the Vikes PBP crew. That game was a microcosm of who Brett Favre is. If it's not for Favre, they aren't in the situation where he had the opportunity to lose the game for them. He puts you in a situation to win, but he tries to do too much and sometimes (the last three seasons) he throws a season ending interception.
  11. I only really saw Marino's twilight, so I can safely say Peyton has reached the point where he is the best QB I've ever seen play the position.
  12. I can't explain how happy I am that the Jets didn't make the Super Bowl.
  13. How is the current senate bill a "government takeover" of health care?
  14. If it wasn't in California, I'd love to do Coachella. I've been to each of the past three Bonnaroos, and I'll probably go to this year's too but I'd like do another.
  15. I think recent events have made me feel the Democrats are slightly less detestable than the Republicans as a party. Maybe it's just because they come off as more lock step than the Democrats, and that bothers me on a basic level.
  16. When did people my age become so conservative? Fucking Ayn Rand.
  17. I'm surprised at how dissapointed I am by this. I guess it's part that I just dislike Brown and part that I dislike the idea that those two were the best people possible for Kennedy's seat. It's an embarrassment to his memory that Coakley and Brown were the two people who were in the running. Shame.
  18. And facebook goes wild! Some samples: "Pulled off the unthinkable!" "A republican wins in Taxachusetts! Wow!" "We did it!" "Coakley lost. I find this fucking hilarious that a Republican has that fat bastard's seat former seat." The Republican's shitty candidate beat the democrat's shitty candidate in a special election. This is obviously a huge win for the Republicans. That seat is up again in 2012, right? Can't wait to watch this "independent thinker" vote straight down party line for two years and then get his ass bounced when the Democrats find someone who doesn't suck.
  19. I hate that this is being painted as a referendum on Obama, when coakley is just a really shitty candidate. Both candidates suck. They are both empty stereotypes, but he gets a boost because his stereotype is more popular now.
  20. Woah, people think Quadrophenia is better than Tommy? Blasphemy!
  21. Is this about the awards show or Christina Hendricks? Am I right?
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