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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Matt Capps, Eddie Guardado, Brian Burney, Jason Marquis, Pudge. That's a lot of moves. Didn't realize they made so many moves, but man, they could use a big name. They could really use a Holliday signing.
  2. I was asking serious questions because I really didn't know what you meant and it sounded like you were just saying things to say things. There is lot's of great hip hop out there still being made. Stop being so defensive. Though yeah, I would personally consider Kanye a genius. That's just me, though.
  3. When have "the kids" not had terrible taste in music?
  4. I like talking about them when they do interesting stuff, but I can't say I particularly like watching them play, for reasons I've listed too many times to relist here.
  5. What is the "current crop"? Why is Kanye West "more pointless by the day"? How are you so in tune with today's hip hop scene? There has probably never been a time in history in any genre when an older person hasn't said "today's crop seems fairly pedestrian."
  6. Shit, I didn't think that was a great deal, but for 2 mil for 1 year? That's a fucking steal.
  7. I mean, I know I hate the Red Sox and all, but I don't think it's an unfair assessment of the offseason. The Yankees have made a slew of moves that are shrewd, something they never did before last year. It's weird, but it feels like the Red Sox are desperate, despite clearly being the better run franchise over the last decade. One year has them freaking out.
  8. It might end up being the best rotation in baseball, because it's fairly deep, but I wouldn't say all 4 of them are aces. I mean, Beckett and Lackey are bother 3.8 career ERA guys, and they both only have a couple of seasons under that. Dice K is very "meh". I think we all got suckered on that one. And Buchholz still has the potential, but he's never put it together. Of course, Beckett, Lackey, Dice-K and Buccholz are all not good bets to get to 200 innings, so you're going to be relying on the Michael Bowden's and Tim Wakefield's of the world for a decent amount of innings, so who knows. I
  9. I do think at this point Lester's the best pitcher on that staff, though I don't think many agree with me. I know Gammons agrees with me because I'm pretty sure he's said he thinks he's the best pitcher in baseball.
  10. You don't pay a 3-4 starter 16.5 million a year for his age 31-35 years. I don't get why that deal is being universally praised. but then again, I look at things from a small market perspective where every dollar matters, and that's not the way big market teams work...
  11. As much as I praised the Yanks there, I don't think Vazquez is gonna be good for them. He'll be above average, but he gives up too many flyballs (and, subsequently, homers) to play there and have much success.
  12. This is a strange world we live in these days. This offseason has seen the Red Sox give a 31 year old starting pitching who hasn't pitched 200 innings since 2007 and has a career 3.81 ERA a 5 year 82.5 million dollar deal that will pay him 21.5 million next season including his 3 million dollar signing bonus. They also gave a 37 year old center fielder a 2 year 15 million dollar deal even though they already have a CFer and his bat doesn't really play as well in the corner. They also had a player fail to notify them of an injury that nixed a pretty important trade for them. In the other co
  13. I'd be very surprised if the Pats beat the Colts. Very. The Pats just don't have it on them anymore. There was a time when no matter how good or bad either team was, you were giving the edge to Brady and Bellichek. Now? You don't bet against Peyton in a big game. You just don't do it.
  14. The Vikings aren't charmed? They've got quality wins over Green Bay twice and Cincy. That's nice. They've beat Cleveland, Detroit (twice), SF (at home on a complete fluke), Baltimore (on a missed field goal), Seattle, Chicago and St. Louis. They've played nobody, pretty much. I mean, the wins over GB are nice, but that team is going to be cursed everytime they play Favre. The Cincy win is nice, and the Baltimore and SF wins are over decent/good-ish teams that had every chance to beat them. They then lost to three flawed teams. Yeah all were on the road, but that team seems like a lot
  15. Yeah, this bill is absolutely ridiculous. I just don't get how it makes sense. I mean, I guess by forcing more consumers into the marketplace they hope to drive down prices? But if everyone has to have insurance, what is the incentive for the companies to lower prices? This is doing something for the sake of being able to say you've done something...
  16. I was judging his overall career.
  17. Playing in front of the best offensive line in football with 2 legitimate home run threats and a great safety blanket tight end, he damn well better not be turning the ball over! Oh, and some dude named Adrian Peterson is also there.
  18. I happen to find him slightly overrated as a quarterback. There was about a 3 or 4 year window when he was the best in the league (the MVPs, basically), but Marino and Manning were both better than him for large stretches of his career. Cool, he "looks like a kid out there" and whatever. He turns the ball over too many damn times. Give me someone who protects the ball. Manning should be the MVP this season.
  19. The best thing about staying at my mom's new apartment downtown Miami is that the supermarket next door sells Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA. Yum.
  20. He's still a good offensive mind. The offense wasn't the problem at ND. Speaking of ND, give me some Golden Tate on the Dolphins, please.
  21. The Brazil-Portugal-Ivory Coast triplet is pretty frightening.
  22. Religion is the conduit for fear and hate in this world. If we were in another world without religion, there would be another conduit for it. I don't see what's so hard to get about this. Yes, blame religion for it, but don't ignore that religion simply provides close minded, dumb people an outlet for their fears and prejudices. Yes, those prejudices may come from religion, but history has shown that people will always find a new group to fear. Look at the history of the US. We've had a long line of replacing one group with another on our hatred and fear and repression list: Witches Indian
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