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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I was wondering if he was Sean Hannity.
  2. I actually like a lot of what he's done, to be honest. But to say that we can't criticize anything about his presidency because "Palin would be worse" is retarded. By that measure, Bush is uncriticizable because Palin would likely be worse.
  3. She has her followers, loyal that they are, but she is very disliked amongst the GOP as well.
  4. Ah, right. I see. Yes. His contract situation is so interesting because he is almost completely unprecedented in baseball history. 3-40 could be a steal for him, but if you're SF, you don't want to just buy out his arbitration years, you want to get at least one year of FA out of a buyout like this.
  5. Huh? He was willing to sign for 3 years, 26 million? That can't be right.
  6. Guess his agents were too optimistic with their 13 mil offer for arbi and realized he was probably going to lose. If they go 11 and the Giants offer 8, he probably wins that arbitration case. That's what they get for shooting the moon. Probably cost him a couple million over the next few seasons. Also, Marlins sign Mike Lamb to minor league deal: "[He] is only the second player whose last name is a type of animal to homer in the World Series (the first was Tim Salmon in 2002)." - Wiki
  7. There's a difference between tempering expectations and doing what MattZ did. If you can't see the real ways in which people might be disappointed with Obama, you're being ridiculous. Yes, we have to realize that he can't do everything he said. But you are writing off Matt's critique by essentially calling him an extremist. There are reasons to be disappointed, and Sarah Palin has nothing to do with them. You can dislike Palin and still be disappointed with his first 13 months in office. That also doesn't mean you think he's an abject failure, but you seem unwilling or incapable of making t
  8. There is no better response on a message board than "I bet I'm smarter than you/I went to a better school than you/have better degrees than you."
  9. You can always be counted on for a good rebuttal if someone isn't praising Obama. Consistent as always, Louie. I mean, christ. Are you willing to rebut anything he says there, or are you just going to do this? Just because Palin is worse, doesn't mean Obama hasn't been at least somewhat dissapointing, and MattZ did a good job of pointing out where he has been.
  10. I saw Prince in a dress once. He was with Lenny Kravitz.
  11. That Max Scherzer kid is filthy. Enjoy that.
  12. It was 85 degrees here on Christmas Day. LONG LIVE GORE. THAT IS ALL I HAVE TO ADD.
  13. Lips are doing a normal set at midnight Friday and then DSotM at 2:30, according to Wayne Coyne.
  14. I thought they were close to the What Stage area. I parked in the Breakfast club area last year, so all of the RV parking is closer than what I was.
  15. A large group may be going with me this year so we're thinking of taking an RV since it would only be about $100 extra a person. Figure that's got to be worth it.
  16. By my count, 39 bands I'd like to see on the initial lineup. Not bad. I expect a few more, as there's no way Dave Matthews Band is the number one billed artist. And no My Morning Jacket, which seems unlikely.
  17. Huh? Or you could just buy a $100 tent and drive to the festival. Not sure why you'd have to rent a tent from them, or do the RV or hotel. It's not like those are mandatory.
  18. I think the Marlins report on the 20th?
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