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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I laughed. That organization's had a lot of problems the last couple of years.
  2. I heard it at the grocery store yesterday. I still maintain it could be a minor adult contemporary VH1 fueled hit if the label wanted it to be.
  3. It was as staged as the TSwift-KWest VMA's thing.
  4. It went from funny to uncomfortable at that point, with Jay trying to kind of stop him a little and he just kept talking over him. But yeah, that was great.
  5. http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/timblair/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/pact_with_gaia/ Not content to let Pat Robertson have all of the crazy, supernatural bullshit fun, Danny Glover thinks the earthquake was retribution for our failure to get a deal done in Copenhagen. Alright!
  6. I feel pretty confident in saying there will be a Southeastern leg to this tour sometime in march, seeing as they were just announced as one of the headliners of the Harvest Of Hope Festival in Saint Augustine, Fl. Pretty excited about that. Hopefully they make their way further south.
  7. "Mr. Robertson, Mr. Limbaugh. Your lives are not worth those of the lowest, meanest, poorest of those victims still lying under that rubble in Haiti tonight. You serve no good, you serve no god. You inspire only stupidity and hatred, and I would wish you to hell, but knowing how empty your souls must be for you to be able to say such things, in a time of such pain, I suspect the vacant purposelessness of the lives you both live now are hell enough already." -Olbermann Spot fucking on.
  8. His agent's a massive turd. 2 weeks ago he said this: Glad to have JJ signed, but I wish he would've taken Peter Gammons' advice (via Twitter): "memo to Josh Johnson:get an agent who won't embarress you for his pitiable self-promotion"
  9. Well, yeah, of course they get to choose. But I would believe they will choose to spend it on Uggla. That's the way they've been leaning since they haven't found a suitor for him, and this news just cements it for me. And yeah, JJ is the number one priority of the offseason. His agent's a prick, though.
  10. You must not have read this thread. There's so massive amounts of pretty unwarranted hate on Leno going on, that's what I'm referring to. But, as I said, I'm not posting in this thread anymore. Here's a prime example of what I'm referring to, though:
  11. So the Marlins are going to be forced to spend money. That means we'll be keeping Uggla and Cantu. Yay!
  12. I should have been like Matt and just not gotten involved, I don't really care about this that much. I think the hysterics are a bit silly and overblown from a lot of people on this, I guess. I'm just going to back out, sorry. If anyone wants me, I'll be in the baseball thread.
  13. No, I get that. And now NBC is saying "Leno, you're moving back to 11:35 or your not on the air. Conan can move back a half an hour." As far as I know, this is not his choice to move back there.
  14. If Leno pulls in good numbers at 11:35, that would help Conan's ratings at 12:05 more than the evening local news at 11:35. Or something.
  15. Isn't it possible that Leno being on at 12:05 could increase Conan's ratings at 12 with a better lead in? As I've said, I mostly just have a problem with what seems to be the believe among many here that Leno is fucking Conan over. That's not the reality of the situation. Yeah, NBC is fucking retarded, and they're both getting screwed around. The difference is they are giving Jay the option of the 11:35 slot, and he's not turning it down so he's the villain. If it was the other way around, and Leno was forced off the air because Conan refused to give up the 11:35 spot, wouldn't he be getti
  16. This analogy doesn't work at all. Matt's explanation is much better, though I could do without the stupid "I shouldn't engage you on this" qualifier, but whatever. I can understand this, but I still don't think he's really being screwed. 30 minutes is the difference between the job of your dreams and being screwed? I dunno, I don't really see that. He can still do the Tonight Show at 12:05. Yeah, it's not the same, and I understand him not wanting to do it, but I don't see why it equals him getting screwed. And yeah, maybe he just wants to do the Tonight Show, I understand that. But it
  17. I like how guys like Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest celebrate and cheerlead stuff for weeks and then claim that whatever happens is a magical "true grass roots movement". I heard Rush say that today about this guy. They also do that with the tea party bullshit.
  18. I'm not sure I see how conan is getting screwed. He is (seemingly) going to get a lot of money from both NBC and FOX and his show was doing pretty poorly and he comes out of this smelling of roses. If Leno goes instead and Conan stays on air, is that a garauntee of success for him? If he fails on the Tonight Show, which seems like a pretty realistic possibility all things considered, he fades into relative obscurity. Instead now, he gets all the sympathy for this and probably gets a pile of money to do whatever he wants on FOX, which he doesn't have the luxury of in his current situation.
  19. This thread is funny, in a really predictable way.
  20. I thought they were confirmed for Bonnaroo?
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