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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Probably, unfortunately. We were playing pretty well up to that point. This quote pretty much describes it all: "It was a great game," FIU quarterback Josh Padrick said, "until 9 minutes left in the third quarter." I hope the UM announcer gets fired for his remarks during the fight. ""Now that's what I'm talking about, you come into our house you should get your butt kicked." "I was about to go in the elevater and get into that thang."" The kid who swung his helmet on UM didn't even get ejected. Larry Coker has no control over his team, and he needs to be fired. He recruits nothing
  2. Yeah, it was pretty crazy. I suppose one could say FIU's players were responsible for the fight, but it's pretty apparent that UM's players and their coaching staff had no respect for them and were instigating all night.
  3. Wow, that FIU-UM game was something else. Huge brawl took place between both teams. 13 players ejected overall. I was in the UM section with my friends who go there, and I was fearing for my life, as it was pretty hostile and I was wearing an FIU shirt and hat. Luckily nothing happened. Proof that UM's players are nothing but a bunch of thugs.
  4. I have to write a paper about a movie I have not watched, do not plan on watching, and do not even have access to. This paper is due in 4 and a half hours. Time to work some magic.
  5. So it looks like Wilco is going to be playing a very special one person show for me. Although most likely I will not make it to the show.
  6. I don't really hate the Mets players, per se, but I do hate the team. I wouldn't mind Reyes or Wright if they played for, say, the Pirates. But since they play for an interdivisional rival, I am obligated to dislike them and say they are overrated. It may not make sense, but does sport fanaticism really make sense?
  7. I hate that argument, personally. You make it sound like Reyes and Wright are somehow special for hustling. Of course, I did forget that the Mets did lead the league in IPI (Intangibles Per Inning) this year, but really I'd say 99% of the people in the major or minor leagues are guys who love playing and hustle. And the only reason a guy like Dan Uggla isn't as great an "ambassador" for the game has more to do with the fact that he doesn't play in New York City. Derek Jeter doesn't try harder than Michael Young or Orlando Hudson, but those guys don't play in major media markets, so they hav
  8. It really is as simple as that. Any team you play 19 times a year and battle for a postseason spot with cannot got even an iota of your support, and should probably get a decent amount of ill will. An exception can be made for those teams that toil in mediocrity for long periods of time (The Nationals in the NL East or the Pirates, Brewers, Reds, or Cubs in the NL Central), but you have to stay on your toes in case they pull a Tigers and you have to immediately start hating them once more.
  9. I think it's very easy to hate guys like Reyes, Wright, and Lo Duca since they among the more overrated players in the league, but no I do not hate them because of their players. I hate when they win because they are the Mets. I also hate when the Braves, Phillies, or Nationals win. I cannot support any team from my team's division.
  10. So, is anyone going to the Latrobe Wilco show? Because it looks very likely that I will be.
  11. My iPod is working now! I'm listening to Uncle Tupelo like this!
  12. I did go to bed at about 7. And I woke up in time to turn a paper in for english at 9:30, and then I skipped that class, came home, and promptly slept through my other class.
  13. My flag football team is 0-3. We've lost every single game by one touchdown. And I'm leading the team in catches, which may have something to do with why we are winless.
  14. I used to have a crew, but they all left. Now I am driftless.
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