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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. "Santana Moss was amazing in Week 4, perhaps the most dominant of any player in Fantasy Football. He will look to carry over the momentum in Week 5 at N.Y. Giants. Consider using him as a No. 2 receiver in all leagues." Exactly what I want to hear when I bench him.
  2. You are just sour because I called you out on when you used to be nicer.
  3. I think I'd have to be more of a behind the scenes guy in Washington. Not sure having a crazy fish would help my public image. On the plus side, if I were president, I'd choose Chuck D as my secretary of defense.
  4. The Cubs don't have anywhere near the talent level the Marlins did, and I saw numerous occasions where Girardi proved he wasn't a good ingame manager. He's a good mediator. A lot like Girardi. He lets the players win the game, and just keeps them in check. I doubt he'd be a miracle worker for the Cubs.
  5. I don't like the idea of an old manager taking control of the team. I mean, we had Leyland in 1998 and that was just terrible.
  6. So, we are supposed to be a team, but he refuses to eat the food I lay out for him. The wedding was lots of fun. Did not end up hooking up with a bridesmaid, as they were all in their 30's. I did end up drinking lots of free alcohol, eating lots of free food, smoking a couple of free cigars, and I somehow ended up talking to a group of Washington lobbyists (while completely drunk), and they told me they were impressed with how articulate and informed I am for an 18 year old and I proceeded to tear apart their argument that the media has a liberal bias. They gave me their business cards and t
  7. He keeps hiding behind the rocks and then floating up, looking at me, and then going back behind the rocks. My sister says I should put a plant in his bowl to make it more homy. I can't cave in to his demands. This is a battle of wills.
  8. I thought he should've been looked at last year for sure. He's a former member of the Marlins organization, and he's young enough to create the same type of bond Girardi had (I hope). He's certainly my number 1 choice with Girardi gone now.
  9. My fish is still judging me, although now he's circling the tank. I can only assume he is circling the tank in an attempt to create the momentum necesary to jump out and try to kill me.
  10. The Marlins do not need a manager. We have one already, and in my opinion (and many other marlins fans) it was the guy who should have been chosen last year. (Fredi Gonzalez)
  11. Friedrich is more active at night. He's still watching me, but now he's moving about the bowl in an effort to get a better view. I do not trust him.
  12. The Boondocks is so great: "Nigga moments are the number 3 killer of young black males behind pork chops and F.E.M.A."
  13. I know it's not cool to like them, but this is a great album.
  14. They haven't been in the superbowl in my lifetime. And their new uniforms suck compared to the old ones.
  15. The Boondocks on DVD. One of the best socio-political commentary shows ever.
  16. Oh, I know all about that. But in my lifetime, it's a history of crushing dissapointment after crushing dissapointment, with some absolute ineptness thrown in every few years.
  17. The Dolphins are so historically bad that we have a Hootie and the fucking Blowfish song about how bad we are...
  18. I'm leaning towards the Bengals or the Seahawks.
  19. So who should I root for now that the Dolphins have proven they are terrible?
  20. I don't think he is fighting for a cause as much as he is doing it to spite me. He thinks he's the ubermench. He is not. I will show him.
  21. MIAMI -- The season finale came and went Sunday afternoon for the Marlins, and there was still no definitive word on Joe Girardi's managerial future. Following an emotional finish of a 3-2 win in 11 innings over the Phillies, the Marlins players celebrated on the field. Girardi got a big hug from third-base coach Bobby Meacham, and he was embraced by his players, including Dontrelle Willis. Afterwards, Girardi expressed that he signed a three-year contract last October, and that he would like to see that through. At 9 a.m. ET on Tuesday morning, Girardi will meet with Marlins management.
  22. I feed him and he refuses to eat. I think he may be on the a hunger strike.
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