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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Final score 8-3. Bertuzzi has 4 points, Niuewendyk has 2 goals. How nice.
  2. Roberto Who? Bertuzzi with 4 points, Panthers leading 7-2.
  3. The Panthers are looking great so far! Bertuzzi with the goal.
  4. I couldn't imagine a world where Pinky and the Brain was on DVD and I didn't own it.
  5. Ugh. I need to sleep, but I can't fall asleep.
  6. I suppose. I really need a job, so I'm hoping this is something.
  7. So I should probably not do it, then?
  8. I don't know what you are talking about.
  9. If they pay me, I don't really care at this point.
  10. My friend was talking to this guy who is creating a business that is supposed to help people with financial stuff or something, and he gave him my number. So thats what it is, as far as I know. Of course, there's a decent possibility I'll end up delivering breifcases to unknown people in exchange for large amounts of cash, which I am ok with.
  11. So I've got some kind of job interview tomorrow. I have no idea what the job is for. I'm assuming I should get a nice shirt.
  12. I can't stand her little "half talk/half attempt to sing in a sultry manner" thing. It's absolutely terrible. Sorry if anyone likes it, but I cannot stand the sound of her voice.
  13. No, but thank you for asking.
  14. I think he's actually some other guy on the internet.
  15. I don't know what you are talking about, but I assure you I cannot, in fact, post something pointless.(!!1)
  16. [some ambiguous smiley that doesn't really say anything. The mouth is slanty on it]
  17. I can't stand Niko, and yet strangely, the album she is featured on is the only one I actually. Except for her songs, which are terrible and have absolutely no redeeming qualities and should be stricken from the musical record forever.
  18. So along with a $180 ticket, I have to pay $50 to renew the registration on the car, plus $220 in unpaid parking tickets from when my mom and sister had the car. Fantastic.
  19. I sober up quick. I finished my paper, and I fear I'll either get an "A" or an "F". It's either completely genius or an utter, rambling mess, and if I were a better man, I'd go with the latter. In other news, I got an 88 on my first Math exam. Which is the lowest grade I've gotten since I've been here.
  20. I'm not at that point. I have two lines done. I am taking a well deserved food break.
  21. Hemingway would be soooo proud of you. (I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic or not, but I'm not. Do not fear).
  22. London Calling was released in December 1979. Does this count? I'd say it probably doesn't, but if it does, it's the album of the 80's. If not, put me down for Appetite for Destruction.
  23. I think you are right. The problem is starting the paper. I've decided I'm going to skip the SoCo. It's tough, but I have to do it.
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