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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. The Foo Fighters best album is better than Nirvana's best album, with the possible exception of the unplugged album, but I'm not sure I consider that an album proper, since it is a live recording and not a studio recording. If we are to include Unplugged, then I would say that Unplugged is arguably better than the Colour and Shape, but that's about it.
  2. I have too! But with the exception of some Funkadelic stuff, thats pretty much all of the 70's music I've listened to in the last month.
  3. You should grow up, stop following these assholes, and be yourself.
  4. Uh... Yeah, about that whole "70's being the best decade for music" thing. I'm gonna have to go ahead and respectfully disagree and probably list it at no higher than 3rd since the 1950's, and if the 00's keep up, it'll be lucky to be 4th.
  5. You should probably not take every little thing people post on this board as a personal affront to your dignity and lighten up.
  6. I'm not sure I know what you are talking about, but then again, I rarely look back in the RTT to see what I've missed. I like to live in the here and now.
  7. My cd player is playing that new Decemberists cd. What should it play next?
  8. The Colour and The Shape is better than anything Nirvana ever did, and I'll fight about it.
  9. I've never listened to a full Mats album, but I will say they are better than Fall Out Boy.
  10. If you ignored people, alot of the problems here would go away.
  11. IF Rich Harden is at full health right now (can't really tell since he's been on a strict pitch count), then it's hard to pick against the A's, as they'll have the best one-two punch in the entire playoffs with him and Zito. Of course, Johan paired with a league average pitcher is almost as good as Harden and Zito, so it's tough. I'm going to pick the Twins to make it to the WS, though. They've got a scary team.
  12. Finally, you Wilco starved denizens of the windy city are going to be relieved. It's been too long.
  13. I am wearing pants for now. That may change at some point.
  14. Looking at all these lists, I realize how many I missed. THats why this is so cool, I think. Instead of sitting down and thinking about it for a long time, definitively deciding on a list and then writing it, you just go and if you forget something, oh well.
  15. What ten albums are the ones you think of when you think of the top 10 albums of all time? Don't intellectualize this list. Just write the first ten albums you think of and keep them in that order. No edits, no changies, no nothing. Go. Abbey Road (Beatles) Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (Wilco) London Calling (Clash) Ramones (Ramones) Highway 61 Revisited (Bob Dylan) Pinkerton (Weezer) Dookie (Green Day) White Album (Beatles) Who's Next (The Who) Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (Flaming Lips) Of course, it will change in the next 10 minutes, but those were the first ten I thought of, and thats ho
  16. It is probably the best album ever. I am into it. London Calling > White Album (barely. It's close though) > Exile On Main Street (This one's not really that close. Have yet to get into Exile too much) For those who are wonder, London Calling is number 3 behind Abbey Road and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot on my list.
  17. It is apparently impossible for Rudie to fail. Amazing.
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