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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I'm applying for a job at Sam Ash, but I don't think I'm going to get it as everyone in the store has dreads and big bushy beards (even the women), and I have neither.
  2. I am the cheese! I am the best character on this show! I am better than the salami and the bologna combined!
  3. Is it bad that I'm skipping a class to talk about the Flaming Lips and drink soda? (background info on class: It is Finite Math, the teacher doesn't take attendance, and she just reads from the book).
  4. Jack Johnson and John Mayer are two people whose music I enjoy. As for the personalities, I don't really care. And I hate hearing people talk about authenticity in music. What makes one guy fake and another authentic except for your subjective thoughts? I know plenty of people who hate the Beatles, and use this as an excuse for saying they were sellouts, etc. It's a bullshit argument.
  5. I'm applying at Sam Ash Music and Game Stop today. I need a job. This whole poor college student thing isn't cutting it.
  6. I thought the Marlins were done with the stupid, game blowing defensive mind lapses, but I guess now. How do you score 4 in the top of the 10th only to lose by giving up 5? Unbelievable(!!).
  7. Oh, no. They usually don't have cubans in them. I remember Dolphins stadium used to sell cuban sandwiches, but I cannot find them anymore.
  8. Per Wikipedia: The traditional Cuban sandwich is made with Cuban bread. The bread is cut in half and buttered on both sides. Dill pickles, roast pork, ham, and Swiss cheese are cold, added in layers and thinly sliced. The pork is an essential ingredient and it needs to be slow roasted with Cuban spices, giving the pork a distinct garlic and citrus flavor. The sandwich is then lightly toasted in a sandwich press called a "plancha" until the bread is crisp and the cheese is melted. The press both heats and compresses the sandwich. A traditional Cuban sandwich includes yellow mustard, but never
  9. No way! I totally expected a different response when I opened this thread!
  10. I am eating a delicious cuban sandwich. I've found that when I get pickles on a sandwich I usually eat about half of the sandwich with pickles and then take the rest off. It's a nice change for the back half of the sandwich.
  11. I found my copy of High Fidelity. I'm happy.
  12. Absolutely pathetic performance by the Phins tonight...
  13. You were, of course, completely correct, wise sage.
  14. I was just in the pool. If anyone has some Broken Social Scene, would you please put together a YSI for me, as my friend thinks I should listen to them. Kthxbye.
  15. Bad move. This is why I should have learned to never have high expectations for the dolphins. They will always underperform.
  16. The Phins are going to steamroll the Bills. It's not going to pretty. Daunte passes for at least 2 td's and 250 yards. I'm not going to do any crank, and I will use my head. I will continue to remain a smart cat, and I'll drink milk every once in a while. As for me, I think I will just go to sleep, try to wake up at noon and grab some lunch.
  17. Actually, for the most part, beer makes me wander the campus more than anything else.
  18. Them's fighting words. If I had the temperment of Aman, I might threaten to sock you one, good sir.
  19. I love this record. I had to sit someone down tonight and explain why the Beatles are not overrated or underrated. They are rated as the greatest band of all time because they wrote most of the greatest songs of all time. They are right where they should be.
  20. I think maybe if I go to the cafeteria I might be able to miss him as he wakes, so I could potentially kill two birds with one stone, although it is just now occuring to me that they don't open until 10:30. Maybe I should walk to Burger King and grab a Crossaintwich. Your reply?
  21. For the record, I don't drink beer so unless there is something else around, I'm not drinking.
  22. I probably did say that, and I still wouldn't consider myself a drunk freshman, as by the end of this semester I'll be a sophomore. I've not gotten to the point where I've blacked out, mostly because I'm intelligent to control myself. So I don't think I fall into the category of "drunk freshman", as it has a negative connotation, whereas I have a positive connotation.
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