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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Oh. Sorry. I have trouble remember posts from a year and a half ago.
  2. Hey, does anyone know if Conor Oberst fucked his wife or something? He's got a personal problem with the guy.
  3. All I can tell you about this trade is that the Nationals just got better. Bill Bray- drafted in the 1st round of 2004 out of W&Mary... has a nasty fastball in the lower 90s, and 81-84mph slider(inconsistent)... he is good against lefties and righties... success from college hadnt translated above A ball yet as he was 1-0 with a 6.35 in AA last year and 1-4 with a 5.06 in AAA.... he is 1-1 with a 3.91era and 1.43 whip for the Nats in 2006 Gary Majewski- this will be his 5th major league team, strong fastball in lower 90s but can hit 96mph... 82-86mph slider is his out pitch... has a
  4. I'm listening to Sufjan Stevens right now even though that guy doesn't like them.
  5. I'm pretty sure he makes at least 1 reference to Jelly Roll Morton, and a few other references to Chicago jazz musicians.
  6. According to a poll on ESPN message boards, David Wright is hands down a better player than Miguel Cabrera. Ha. Thats ludicrous. Miguel is by far a better hitter than Wright, and defensively they are even. Miguel isn't as good with the glove, but he has a canon arm. Funny how one home run in the All Star Game turns a player into the second coming of Mike Schmidt.
  7. I'm usually asleep by 4 or so. This is an oddity.
  8. Kid A Ok Computer Hail To The Theif The Bends Pablo Honey
  9. My god. He's right. I've been completely wrong all along about Illiniose. Thank you, random music writer! You have opened my eyes!
  10. Basically, it makes me want to listen to Hail To The Theif, as it's the same sound, done much better. Still, not too bad. And I do love his voice.
  11. It's working now, thanks! Can't wait to listen to this.
  12. The link isn't working for me. I'm disapointed.
  13. Are you training for a long jump competition?
  14. Boston New York Toronto Baltimore Tampa Bay
  15. Of course not. Why would there be anything wrong with that?
  16. Man, you should've seen my Myspace profile a few days ago. My friends got into and turned it into a gayfest. It was pretty hysterical. My song was "It's raining men" my hereos were Jake Gyllenhall and some male porn star. They created some blogs about my undying love for dudes. It was all pretty funny. And I still don't see how thinking Keira Knightly dressed as a dude makes me gay. I knew she wasn't a dude. I just thought she looked best with her hair short.
  17. The Thom Yorke album? I don't expect it to be earth shattering, but I might as well give it a shot and pick it up. I've spent money on far worse cd's, I'm sure.
  18. I learned that the only reason I wasn't fired from my job this weekend was because two people went on vacation and they needed me to fill in.
  19. I think I'm going to Best Buy to buy that new Thom Yorke cd and probably pick up that "Michigan" album album by Sufjan.
  20. I had a dream last night that was loosely based on "Ballad of a Thin Man".
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