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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. This must've happened at Wrigley. Becuase I thought that was the only place bad Chicago fans go?
  2. Oh man, I was hoping they'd show the MTV cribs thing. That looked like one of the funniest things he'd ever done. As dissapointing as it was, it was still better than Mind of Mencia. But Reno 911 was even better.
  3. Ok, fine I've heard that song, but I'm not proud of it in any way. SHH! I'm listening to Fall Out Boy. Don't tell anyone. (Come on, "Dance, Dance" isn't that bad)
  4. I hate the soccer shootout because it is about 90% luck, 10% skill.
  5. Oh. Well, I guess. But I watch it every year and just pick somebody to root for.
  6. Can someone name a Ted Nugent song that I might know? Honestly, the only reason I know of him is because Goldfinger has a song called "Fuck Ted Nugent".
  7. Friend of Bobbob: so i think just squeezed a B in a math test Friend of Bobbob: im so ashamed BobBob1313: Woah. BobBob1313: Did you change your pants?
  8. I think there's a good chance the winner of the whole thing is the guy with the fewest career home runs. That would be Ryan Howard. The only thing that worries me is he's almost a completely opposite field hitter with his home runs, so if he tries to pull it here he's going to mess his swing up big time.
  9. I actually enjoy it far more than I enjoy the actual all star game. It's big dudes trying to hit a ball as far as possible. Whats not to like? You can't tell me Abreu wasn't impressive last year.
  10. I have to say, I'm hoping Jermaine Dye doesn't do very well in the Home Run derby. I don't think he's a good enough hitter to avoid pulling a Bobby Abreu and fucking up his swing. Of course, if he wasn't on my fantasy team, I'd say swing for the fences. Olsen's fiery, I'll give him that.
  11. I heard someone mention it on tv. No link as of now, unfortunately.
  12. The guy called him a terrorist. And with Zidane being Algerian (I believe), he took major offense to it.
  13. I won't see Bob until he actually comes to South Florida again.
  14. I honestly couldn't imagine enjoying Pet Sounds at the age of 13. I think that's the problem this album faces. Nobody can really get into it when they are young. You have to have at least some level of maturity or life experience, or whatever you want to call it, to "get it". It's a very difficult album to love, but once you do, it's a great album.
  15. Only if I can work from home and I don't have to get up before 10 am.
  16. Alright, so I've tried calling my place of occupation about 10 times since Friday morning, and they haven't answered once. Should I assume I've been fired?
  17. I don't know what a crib sheet is, but I'll agree that is a fantastic show, even with that song.
  18. She just doesn't mesh well with Jeff. I hate her delivery on this song.
  19. Forget The Flowers is one of my favorite songs, but she kind of ruins it.
  20. Nobody ever comes here... Oh well, at least we're getting Aerosmith and Motley Crue
  21. The Marlins have one of the best Play by Play guys (IMO) in Tommy Hutton. He really knows his stuff, and while he can be a homer, he's generally going to call out any bad or good call regardless of outcome. The color guy we have this year is hysterical. He's absolutely insane. When Dontrelle passed Brad Penny as the Marlins' most winning pitcher this year, he screamed out "BRAD PENNY, REST IN PEACE". And when Dan Uggla hit a home run the other day, he randomly says "HIS NAME IS UGGLA!". The guy is completely insane. But he's a lot of fun. Doesn't add anything to the broadcast, but he's alway
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