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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I think I've read all of his books except the one about Australia, and the one about walking the Appalachian trail. I've loved all of them.
  2. He's the best pitcher ever, with the possible exception of Walter Johnson. Cy Young played in a completely different era that had pitchers expected to go all nine innings, and even pitch both games of a double header (he did that like 15 times in his career).
  3. He's up there, but he won't look like it this year, I think. And as for the Jon Garland trade: I wouldn't get him or Wright, as I don't think either of them is as good as their best moments have shown. i think what you are seeing now is about what to expect: League average pitching. Garland will probably average out to about a 4.2 era for the year, so you're looking at decent pitching the rest of the way. If Dye keeps up his torrid pace, you'd really regret the trade though. I'd try to get more for Dye. Try Barry Zito.
  4. Did Eddie Johnson see any action in the cup?
  5. Bruce Arena should have tried to light a fire under their asses. Put some offensive guys in and just let them run. We didn't have time to worry about defense.
  6. Hey, I was half right with that statement. Italy does not want to lose.
  7. Ozzie's a pretty mediocre manager with an unbelievably good team. Once this become's apparent, he'll be out on his ass pretty quickly.
  8. I think Italy beat's the Czech's because if not, they will most likely play Brazil, and they don't want that. I think the US will be Ghana, because they are simply the better team with more to lose. That generally leads to a victory.
  9. He should be fined and suspended by the team. Man, the minute that team is under .500 he is going to get absolutely destroyed by the media. You can say whatever you want when you are winning though.
  10. Somebody should compile a list of all of the hatefilled, idiotic thing's he has said. Didn't he call somebody a "venezualen peice of shit" or something?
  11. That's just Ozzie being Ozzie, right? On Tuesday to reporters, White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen referred to Chicago Sun-Times columnist and Around the Horn contributor Jay Mariotti as a derogatory name for a homosexual. Angry with a recent column by Mariotti critical of Guillen's handling of recently demoted relief pitcher Sean Tracey and upset with Mariotti with columns of the past, Guillen said to reporters when referring to Mariotti before Tuesday's game with the Cardinals, "What a piece of [expletive] he is, [expletive] fag." Mariotti was covering the NBA Finals Tuesday night and wa
  12. I'm dead serious, the Marlins might make a serious playoff push if they play anywhere near this level for the rest of the year. I don't think the WC in the NL will need more than 85 wins this year.
  13. Bumpity bump for some bass?
  14. I'm seriously in love with Common's album. Is it all produce by Kanye?
  15. This is pretty good. I'm enjoying how thrown together it all sounds. It's very loose.
  16. Alright. I've been on a cd buying binge, and I guess I'll just let it continue.
  17. In a word, no. This team has a semi-realistic, mostly fantasy shot at making the playoffs (6.5 game out with 96 to play) so they won't trade Dontrelle unless it's an absolute can't miss deal (think an MLB ready CF, an MLB ready catcher, and a top level Pitching prospect). Basically, if he's not in a Marlin uniform by season's end he's in a Diamondback or Dodger uniform because those are absolutely the only teams with the prospects to get it done. Also, I think I called for 73 wins in the last baseball thread, and I'm going to stick with that as the very bottom of our win total. Unfort
  18. That game rules. Of the four games I have for PSP, it's my most played. I'm in the 11th year of a career. There is a buzz around town about the Marlins (it's way, way, way below the buzz about the Heat, of course, but it's there). This is an exciting team that could be a .500 team this year.
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