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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Not being friends with someone over politics is. Well. It's something.
  2. If the United States were invaded by Venezuala, Russia, and Iran, the military (and civilians) would mobilize so fast that it wouldn't be a problem. Americans are pretty good at getting their shit together when it matters, and in your completely far fetched scenario, it would matter. That said, the amount of troops needed to invade the United States is such a great number that it's not even worth discussing. Logistically speaking, this is a nearly impossible country to invade. You have to travel over the sea thousands of miles both ways, or cross through a gigantic tundra or a bunch of jun
  3. Yay on the first one. Not so much on the second...
  4. I'm very worried about Russia, Venezuala, and Iran invading the United States.
  5. That first one doesn't seem real....
  6. This thread won't get closed until people start being rude.
  7. That's pretty good, actually. Pretty cool map there.
  8. I was surprised by how large it was. 3 1/4-4 feet tall.
  9. I have not looted, though everyone I know has street signs that were knocked off from storms, and I've got a big stop sign in my garage. I also very nearly took a stop light that was knocked out, but that thing was surprisingly heavy. I've got nothing... But really, what needs to happen is that the rest of the south and eastern parts of this country need to wake up and adopt the building codes that South Florida put into place after Andrew. A hurricane of similar strength hitting South Florida won't do near as much damage as it would almost anywhere else because we actually prepare for
  10. Cool. So, a hurricane, a typhoon and a rabbi walk into a bar.
  11. I mean, really, where I live, hurricanes are a part of life. We make jokes about them because it's easier than getting freaked out 4+ times a summer. People have hurricane parties. I fully understand what people are going through, but I don't think people can't be a little lighthearted about it.
  12. Troy's going to give everyone they play a game this year, I think.
  13. If you are going to say things, you should be ready to defend them. Nobody was getting personal. What's the fucking problem?
  14. We're dropping Guy Fieri to see if he can get some shit done.
  15. I cannot get into Wayne. I don't get the love for him. And I love Guy Fieri's show, but I don't like Guy Fieri. He's not as bad as Bobby Flay on the douchiness scale though.
  16. that's cool, but now it means I'll have to hear about it all day from our advisor tomorrow.
  17. How do we know Obama isn't al queda? I got this email the other day...
  18. What should rove be in prison for? Or in this new way of running things are we just jailing assholes we disagree with?
  19. things would undoubtedly be different had gore won. Would they be better? Who knows. Probably for some people.
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