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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Jack's guitar work on this album is unbelievable...
  2. I can't say one way or the other whether we are ingrained with morals or if they become such a big part of us from such an early age because, as the book Ishmael says, Mother Culture is whispering it in our ears every second of every day. I mean, humans are different from everything else in the animal kingdom because we have the choice to do bad things, so I guess that is where morality comes from, but I feel like it's an evolved, rather than intrinsic quality about us. What I mean is, I think as we developed higher brain function, we tried to justify the things we did that we just did by
  3. Well, I was going to say that I think in a lot of people's eyes, Bush didn't stand a chance from the beginning because of how he presents himself and how he speaks and stuff.
  4. That's my point, I think. If there was such a thing as a universal morality, you wouldn't have such divergent ideas. Societies operate under the agreement that we all work under the morals of the society so as to achieve a greater common good. That doesn't mean that moral code is right, it just means that in the context of that society, it is the one that will, hopefully bring about the most good for the people in the society.
  5. I know this is meant as sarcasm, but it's not a bad point. As much as anything, the President is the face of our country. We need someone who will represent us well.
  6. I'm not sure I agree, but that's ok. You aren't wrong.
  7. So, in essence, neither view is right?
  8. I think it is fair to judge others based on your own moral code, but it is dangerous to say someone else's morals are flat out wrong. You can disagree on them, sure. But I'll never be able to bring myself to say that the way someone percieves the world around them is wrong because, maybe, with their eyes, and their brain, and their experiences, it is right to them? How many millions of people have been killed because one person disagrees with another's morals and philosophies?
  9. We've had this discussion before, and people always use an extreme situation like that to try and disprove my thoughts on the subject. I'll have to step lightly here, of course... The way I look at it, morality cannot, by definition, be wrong, but they used false facts to justify their morals. Or something. Invoking the nazis is kind of a lazy way to win this argument, because if I answer the question, it's going to piss some people off. Point for you, I guess.
  10. Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Jeri Beth Cohen ruled Tuesday that building a ballpark for the Florida Marlins serves a public purpose -- a significant victory for the team and local government in their quest to bring a new stadium to South Florida. ''The court is well aware that the building of the Marlins stadium is a contentious and emotional issue in Miami-Dade County,'' the judge wrote in the 41-page ruling. ''The court is also aware that the citizens of the county are passionately committed to their respective beliefs regarding the wisdom of building the stadium with public monies. Mo
  11. I wasn't talking about facts when I said universal truth, I was talking about morals, political philosophy and other things of an intangible nature. Of course a fact can be a lie, but a moral? A philosophy? Never. And that's where I think a lot of people step over their bounds. Look at it like this: Barry Bonds has hit the most home runs than anyone in major league baseball's history. This is indisputable fact. Barry Bonds is a bad person because he cheated to hit those home runs. This is an opinion, or an example of morality. This can be neither right nor wrong, just like there is no
  12. Since I am apparently a Republican (that's the new thing, right?) I can earnestly say this thread is not what I want the election to become.
  13. So have we solved all of the worlds ills yet?
  14. Much of Florida's population is from out of state. Those that aren't, had their devotions to other teams already. The teams have only been here 14 and 10 years, respectively, it takes time to build fan support. I'd say wait at least another decade before making any final decisions, because the people my age and younger who grew up with the teams will be the main ticket purchasers. That to me, is the biggest reason. Most other franchises either have traditions to build on or brand spanking new stadiums to draw in fans. The Florida teams have neither. The Marlins are 5th in the league in TV ra
  15. Define successful. Every choice either side makes hurts some and helps others.
  16. no side is 'right' inasmuch as there is no such thing as a universal truth or morality.
  17. there are batshit crazies on both sides is my point.
  18. I just find it cute that people will legitimately discuss whether 9/11 was an inside job here but to even imply that Obama is a Muslim would draw unimaginable amounts of ire. I don't think he is, but I also don't buy most of the crazy shit posted on the Internet.
  19. it was more along the lines of people belied other ridiculous shit, why not that?
  20. Well, there are people who believe 9/11 was an inside job and that McCain is the manchurian candidate, so...
  21. I just dont think we should surrender to the terrorists so easily, and I also don't like that he's going to take money from me for reparations for black people.
  22. the bottom line is I'm not voting for anyone related to bin laden or saddam.
  23. in a poll I saw McCain gained 20 points among white females in the last week.
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