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Posts posted by chuckrh

  1. I just got turned on to this one and I thought a lot of folks who frequent this message board would love some earnest Americana in the vein of Jason Isbell and Ryan Adams when he dealt in this genre.





    Full disclosure, this record is on the same label as my band's, and my dear friend runs the operation. I don't actually know Seth as he's a Canadian, and I don't know how to communicate with people who are that polite.

    all it takes is a little molson's to grease the wheels, eh?

  2. It was just announced yesterday that Seattle area schools are going to all online in the fall. Could have classrooms later but the way things are right now it doesn't make sense.

  3. Sound and Fury was very different. His last few records always made a lot of critical year end lists, but I don't know if I saw this one on any - and, no, that doesn't mean an album is good or not - just a big change in reception for this one.

    I loved S & F! Really bummed the tour imploded before it got to the northwest but couldn't be helped. Sturgill has turned into 1 of those guys who keeps things interesting by constantly changing. Looking forward to what comes next.

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