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Sir Stewart

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Everything posted by Sir Stewart

  1. 25% of Clinton primary voters in 2008 voted for McCain in the general.
  2. Great band out of Austin. New album. https://agiantdog.bandcamp.com/album/toy
  3. He can shoot somebody and not lose fans, but I think the law of the land is another matter. Dumb public sentiment is not going to stop prosecutors from prosecuting.
  4. His stories are all I've read. Check out Cruising Paradise if you want.
  5. That was good. Man some people are just inclined not to waste any time.
  6. A true great among American writers.
  7. If Don Jr falls on his sword I hope it's the same one he kills elephants with.
  8. Thanks for sharing that. The Mollusk is indeed a masterpiece.
  9. I have lost patience and with it decorum for these folks. When they go low, tell them to fuck off.
  10. Ask him why he's such a fucking dumbass. Him, not Trump.
  11. Thanks to everyone for talking albums the past couple of pages. I love it. Will never get sick of hearing what the Beatles do to people.
  12. The last two posts seem to be referring to a post that's not here?
  13. Just when I was starting to think we could go 5 minutes without another golden egg laid by this shit-brainned fuckup. How is this our world now.
  14. Yeah, Live Totem Pole EP is one of my favorites but they blew fIREHOSE's version away the other night.
  15. My new prediction is Trump walks onstage at an event with his pants around his ankles and a bullfrog hanging from his dick. Nothing happens.
  16. Except he does. It sucks, but he didn't do anything illegal.
  17. Great show last week in Portland (ME). Watt and his band were spectacular.
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