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Sir Stewart

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Everything posted by Sir Stewart

  1. I saw The Virgin Suicides when it came out, read the book six months ago, and rewatched the film over the weekend. I felt pretty much the same way about it this time: Sofia Coppola fell in love with the book and attempted to recreate the fantastical qualities of the text, and failed, leaving us with a dry, detached telefilm-quality movie about suicide, interspersed with shampoo ads from the 70s. How she went directly from this to the completely affecting Lost In Translation has to lie in her writing the latter from scratch (I think she did, anyway).
  2. Is that what's been going on. I've been trying to buy something for the past hour!
  3. I'm working on my Halloween sig, anyway.
  4. I love that one, too. Just got into it recently (post-Gnarls). NP - The Watt From Pedro Show 2006-08-27
  5. I loved Barry Egan this morning, charles.
  6. That's exactly the kind of thing I come here for!!!!!
  7. She sounded so hot when I was a kid...I pictured Laugh-In era Goldie Hawn...although it was probably Yoko?
  8. Lookit that fucking box of meat that lady's handling! And the Colonel's placement of the bucket over his Little Colonel reminds me of Mickey Rourke at the movies in Diner. "C'mover honey, there's a better cut of meat in this here bucket."
  9. I think I can beat you to it, deepsea. And for $4.50.
  10. My mother was president of the local Pat Boone Fan Club, in high school.
  11. The place that's hosting that poster used to be a real store nearby me. It was a real trip spending two or three hours there, just looking around at posters and political buttons and stuff. A real trip.
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=130011187071
  13. There's a billboard for Mix 98.5 here in town, featuring solely a huge picture Gwen Stefani, in concert, saluting, with the single most annoying look I've ever seen on anybody's face. It makes me want to cry.
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