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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Different circumstances, not a problem now. Boy oh boy that was some interview. I didn't think any questions were rude, disrespectful or gotcha types. He just can't help himself.
  2. Also don't forget what is happening in congress. They are pushing a hard right agenda as if they recieved 100% of the vote. Trump and the R's made a lot of noise about helping vets while his hiring freeze affects them disproportionately. That should be highlighted.
  3. I like how spicer denied that trump brought fans to cheer his CIA speech and ended up arguing about the number of supporters brought in. Sean, if you're going to lie, you got to stick with the lie, otherwise you completely lose your credibility.
  4. Ahhh, I get it. I can see Cruz manipulating the system and shitting all over others to get ahead, but I don't think he would have anyone killed. Thanks for the clarification.
  5. I can't figure out why in earth Cruz would change views on Trump. Seems like there was some emnity built up there that should have taken longer to dissipate. Never seen house of cards, so I don't get the reference.
  6. This exchange Reich writes about, if true, helps explain why so many trump haters fell in line behind him. Before the election I was thinking that the R's would use him this way, and they may have promised people things to fall in line. For instance Cruz (a worse POS than trump imo) made nice, why? I think he's their choice to be VP. It gets him out of the senate, where he is roundly despised, and puts him into a position that is high profile, but fairly meaningless. Just my thoughts though.
  7. Spicer lied about so many things that were demonstratebly false. So Conway had to defend him and noted that he was using "alternative facts". That should clear everything up. I'm pretty sure I've brought up the republicans leading the impeachment efforts against Trump at some point. Anyhow I was discussing him with my wife the other day and discussed my theory that the R's will pass through every manor of legislation on their wish list and when things go bad they will say it was all Trump, leaving them with some plausible deniability. (kind of like saying that democrats voted for the Iraq w
  8. If you really want to unite the country operate as a moderate and offer both sides something to hang onto. And too late, looks like extremism it is.
  9. Has no one thought of the Barber of Seville in Bugs Bunny? Or everything in Fantasia. Maybe a little obvious but Tiny Dancer in Almost Famous or Bohemian Rhapsody from Wayne's World.
  10. I'll be at work. I've never watched an inauguration whether I liked the president or not, so why start now.
  11. I was on my phone earlier and have trouble with links, anyhow... http://www.startribune.com/north-dakota-bill-aimed-at-standing-rock-protest/410860535/ Not being from North Dakota, I cant name any of their legislators. This is a state level law and they are pretty much going to get it passed, and they give instructions on how to avoid penalty...Officer I swear I went to hit the brake and hit the gas instead, when I realized what I was doing I swerved to miss the people and jumped the curb and hit those people... If the law happens and is not challenged similar bills will appear around
  12. I find this discussion of Cory Brewer interesting. Little things like the vote in question have some saying it could ruin his career. Meanwhile in Notth Dakota republicans are proposing a law making it legal to run over protestors obstructing the roadway. One lawmaker was quoted as saying that you don't want to hold someone liable for hitting the gas instead of the brake. A new stand your ground defense for vehicular homicide. Anyhow I find the contrast with what some of you are saying will ruin Bookers career with this horrible proposed law, as this law will probably do nothing but benefit
  13. It wasn't intentional, but it's an accident that worked.
  14. Ryan Adams and Liz Phair are recording a double album together, that could be interesting.
  15. Apparently the original line up is going to get back together again... http://411mania.com/music/billy-corgan-says-smashing-pumpkins-reunion-looks-good-to-go/
  16. 2005 convention was when he first got some notice outside of Illinois. That was 4 years before his election.
  17. I think it's sticking with his opponents. The faithful won't believe any of it or don't care since our country is emerging from the worst period in American history, yes I've heard the Obama years called that.
  18. I know, I was just pointing out the irony of the situation.
  19. It's being reported that the female attorney hr brought out to sorsknworks for Morgan Lewis, which I believe he mentioned, what he didn't mention is that M-L was just named Russian law firm of the year. This is true. Seems like DT does not give a flying fk. If he did he might have hired a law firm without ties to Russia or perhaps been advised not to have her speak. BBC is reporting that there are multiple sources of the trump/Russia information.
  20. I tried watching his press conferenc...it's being run like a campaign rally with the music & cheering etc... and he's letting the press ask a couple of questions.
  21. His minions and synchophants are claiming that the whole issue is an elaborate hoax perpetrated by 4chan, while the Donald in his twitter tirade blasted intelligence agencies for leaking the report. Conway grudgingly admitted that it was part of an Intelligence briefing the Donald received, but that it was in an appendix way in the back. Regardless the report taken in whole paints a very damning picture of s supremely compromised president and implicated the Republican Party as being if not active participants at least willing to turn a blind eye to all of this. Which their supporters are 10
  22. The alternative to resisting his presidency, to calling h on his bullshit is bending over and grabbing your ankles. I'll take the bitching and moaning. Re the sessions hearing, and pretty much all the hearings to come...I see Sessions and other nominees as bad picks horribly unqualified in one way or another, definitely not people who will unify the country. The republicans however are viewing these guys favorably and as the sorts of people they want in these positions to further the conservative agenda. They are not radicals to them. Edit...I think the story on Trumps golden shower fantas
  23. And a president/presidential candidate should be able to rise above criticism.
  24. One way to bring attention to it is to have someone notable tweet that Trump made an awful choice for AG, Trump will then have to respond (he can't help himself) and he will shine the light on sessions unintentionally. Regardless though McConnell has pretty much made it clear that all of these people will get senate approval regardless of their issues. All the other stuff is just diversionary bs to Allie the T's to rule as though they hold 100 senate seats and every hose seat.
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