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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Excuse me, but when the thread follows the talkign points with no analysis it is spinnning. Rgeardless of who is doing it.
  2. I'm doen with this...say how about them bears.
  3. Whatever, you are a fuckign pussy who has no point to make so you toss an insult out to bolster your flagging manhood. Not once taking the time to see that I said Kerry fucked up with his choice of words. It does not fit in wiith your pre-concived notions so you have no choice other than to call names. You could refute me with logic and evidence, but since you know that you are wrong you have to resort to the defense of someone who as been painted into a corner and you have to lash out because it's all you got. Keep the insults coming it simply bolsters my view of you that you are a gutle
  4. Whatever you want to call me is fine with me. I have no clue as to where you live, I live in the middle of nowhere. But I will be in Chicago Sunday through Tuesday. If you live there and would like to call me a fucking asshole to my face PM me and I'll let you know where I am staying. Beyonnd that why not stick to your talking points and keep the lies flowing. Wait, personal insult is the RNC way, it is much easier than actual discussion.
  5. Obvious misrepresenting spin... More sad spin... He did fuck up with his choice of words, but anyone who floowed what he said knows exactly who he was referring to. It is patently obvious that this is the sort of spinning shot that needs to end in Washington before our country begins the recovery process from the first six years of the Bush disaster. No amount of spin can polish this turd. They know how to win elections, but they have no clue as to how to govern. Hers the hint...you win elections by working from the outside in...you energize your fiercely loyal followers, then yo
  6. Kerry did have a poor choice of words, but anyone who takes even a moment to read or hear what he had to say, in its proper context KNOWS that he was referring to Bush, not our troops. It is so patently obvious that this should be a non-issue other than discussing how he insulted the president. But no, the White House and the pundit have turned it into something much more sinister.
  7. Of course since this does nto agree with the republican party line it therefore must be accused of being liberally biased. From the New England Journal of Medicine... The Politics and Promise of Stem-Cell Research Robert S. Schwartz, M.D. On July 19, 2006, President George W. Bush exercised his constitutional prerogative to veto a congressional act for the first time in the 6 years he has been in office. The bill, passed by a Republican-controlled Congress, would have allowed a modest extension of embryonic stem-cell research. It called for federal funding to enable the derivation of emb
  8. I have a pod and we are getting a nano for my son for christmas. I'm not really computer literate, but I have been trying to set up I Tunes for him through windows xp. On my machine I have my log in and I have a log in set up for him. Is there a way for me to set up Itunes under his log in so that he can acess my library that I have set up under my log in? I've tried several approaches, but have thus far been unable to make it happen.
  9. 8 Westy songs on the cound track. 1 each from Pete Yorn & Talking Heads and 2 from Deathray. I agree that it is his best since Stereo/Mono.
  10. Any discussion here about the Open Season soundtrack? It has 8 Westerberg songs on it. All are pretty good and instantly recognizable as his work. I felt weird buying a CD with cartoons ont he cover, but really like it.
  11. Did Rush mention that Fox has also run ads supporting Alren Specter? He simply supports people who support the research.
  12. I don't think he was chewing them, but I could be mistaken. Recreational users like to crush & snort otherwise the buzz is time released while snorting gets the buzz NOW! Remember way back when he was suffering his hearing problems? One of the side effects of oxycotin abuse is hearing loss. So it made perfect sense that once he got caught and had to stop his use his hearing came back. Also remember the McNabb comments while working for Fox Sports? They occured the same week (Sunday McNabb, Tuesday or Wednesday for his bust) he was busted. Call me a cynic, but I am positive that he m
  13. Peel it sure as hell sounds to me like he had a plea deal where by he paid a fine and agreed to a treatment program in exhchange for no jail time and no trial. Or at least that is what it would be for me. But then again I do nto have a nationally syndicated radio show, political connections or millions. Funny how he bashes the ACLU continually yet he took their help in his case. Of course he only admitted to minor help, but they are constitutional lawyers and I am pretty sure they gave him his entire legal argument for his defense. But that is merely splitting hairs.
  14. As usuall, everything that is not your opinion is wrong. I did learn this in college biology way back when i got my Geology degree. I took several biology courses as they relate to paleontology. No, I am not a geologist, I am a tax accountant today.
  15. Its OK If You Are A Republican Different rules for them.
  16. 1) My comments was inregards to Stem Cells., not the tetra cells. 2) The whole argument is based on potential, not on knowns. Embryonic Stem Cells have potential because we do not know the mystery of how they morph into other cells, and shoudl we learn how, then perhaps we may learn how to replicate that. The goofball argument that they have not produced results so lets not look at it just does nto fly. The big difference is that adult stem cells can only be what they are, period. Embryonic stem cells can become all the various tissues in the body. These are two completely different situ
  17. By your attempt at installing fear (teratocarcinoma) you are indirectly implying that stem cells lead to cancer and should be feared. We all had them at conception, we all have them now, we all do not have cancer, therefore your attempt at installing fear is not working nor valid. From the NIH: http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/scireport/chapter2.asp More: http://home.comcast.net/~john.kimball1/Bio...Stem_Cells.html From the University of Wisconsin-Madison research center: http://www.news.wisc.edu/packages/stemcells/facts.html#1 Stem Cell Research Home | University Communications | UW H
  18. Sorry, but if you listen to what the doctors are saying, and read what they have written you will see that he was not cutting back his medicine or skimping on it. Parkinson's disease, if he was not taking his medicine, would be causing his muscles to freeze up. The herky jerky motions are caused by a combo of two medicines. The shakiness and jerky movements are side effects not the disease. To imply that he stopped his medicine is to deny the real doctors who have comments about this numerous times today. Then again it has been said more than once reality has a liberal bias so if it fits
  19. There is also video footage out there of Limbaugh physically mocking Fox. The guy is a dick through and through. Even with his lame apology he still made the comments and they will stick with his listeners. Fox is simply using his celebrity, his profile and his disease to raise awareness for his disease. Talent supporting stem cell research is a far cry from supporting embryonic stem cell research. The embryonic stem cells have properties we do not understand. These properties somehow allow the cells to divide into different tissues. Scientists have long thought that learning about ho
  20. If you are speaking in terms of music and music fans then perhaps Jay might be nothing without Wilco. But then again Wilco might be nothing without UT. You could aply the same thought process countless hundreds of times. Jay is a good musician and proably would nto be able to make a living at it had he not been in Wilco, maybe he could have, but probably not. The same can be said for Mr Tweedy and his relationship with Farrar/UT but all you get out of such arguments is opinion and hypothesis. Jay was far from nothing though, the guy is well educated and in his chosen field (education) he
  21. Actually I think Rush Limbaugh and all the others who continue to portray Iraq as being not as bad as the so called liberal media says it si, should all prove the point and go to bahgdad and broadcast there from outside the green zone. They could set up a little round robin situation like they have had at the White House fom time to time and at the republican convention. Rush, Hannity, Coulter, North, the whole Fox New crowd. They could prove their point. Of course to truely prove their point they would have to use only Iraqi police for security, and not rely on the US Army for protection.
  22. The president made it clear this morning that he has never been about stay the course. Seriously, he said it on this week in review. Additionally Snow has proclaimed numerous times that the administration is not about staying the course and never has been, even as Bush and Cheany talk about the importance of staying the course. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Staying the course is what the true believers want to ehar, it projects strength and a willingness to work through things to get their way. It also implies no input from the minority power. Of course the hard place
  23. No love for Prince or Frank Zappa? Both are/were great.
  24. The only advice I could offer the President would be to learn how to listen to advice, process that advice and accept that advice when it is sound, even when it goes against your pre-determined course.
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