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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Grossman tried to stop them tonight, but failed.
  2. Of course why would anyone talk with Hugo Chavez? Aftrer all he is such a threat to our country that we were involved in a coup to overthrow him. Obviously anything he says against the president or our policies has to be taken in that context though. Though simply criticizing our president's policies brings out the hate from all different right angles. They call anyone who criticizes Bush Policy to be Bush bashers instead of simply being people who disagree with his policies and how they fuck up our country. Here is my direct and personal Bush bash...I think It's time to remake it's a w
  3. This implies that doing nothing is the way to go. Similar to the global warming stance of the right, we don't believe it so do nothing. It totally disregareds any posibility that global warming is real or in this case totally disregards any efforts to achieve the unaceivable. I happend to be in DC when one of the largest protests occured, last year and Ms SHeehan was there. Cindy Sheehan deserves her say. Her son was killed in Iraq and shortly after his death we were loosely allied with those who killed him, simply because the Shiites appeared to have the power at the time. Thi
  4. My father never said the pledge in class with the word god in it. It was nto added until later as a way to ferret out the communists who would never put their nation under god. By the way, how is the pledge said in your town? Everywhere in America? Hmmm, thought so.
  5. You mean things like teaching evolution? Or metrics? New Math? Or things like not endorsing a state religion and keeping that discussion out of the classroom so that the classroom can be good for things like science, math, english etc...? Is there any doubt these days that the decline in our education system is tied into the rrise of radical conservatism? It's what happened in texas under their previous govenor. Their school system was so gutted that they had a hell of atime getting techers to take jobs their and were interviewing people by phone and fax. I have a friend who got ajob
  6. I used to live in Texas, and this way of thinking is not at all uncommon, the thinking in the articles that is. I know it is a sweeping generalization, but it is no different than sweeping generalizations about dems being weak on terror, or republicans all being criminals more interested in covering their asses, winning elections, getting their way and gutting the government and contitution than in governing properly
  7. I'm so glad I don't live in Texas... Art Teacher Loses Job After Kids See Nude Sculpture Children Were On School-Approved Field Trip POSTED: 8:32 am MDT September 26, 2006 FRISCO, Texas -- An award-winning Texas art teacher who was reprimanded after one of her fifth-grade students saw a nude sculpture during a trip to a museum has lost her job. The school board in Frisco has voted not to renew Sydney McGee's contract after 28 years. She has been on administrative leave. The teacher took her students on an approved field trip to a Dallas museum, and now some parents are upset. The Fisher El
  8. I knwo many people who do not consider oral to be either sex, or cheating.
  9. Thus far with this story I have heard Rush imply that it was a set up by Dems strong arming a vulnerable 16 year old to do their bidding. I have heard the Focus on the Family say that this is a result of our nations tolerance. Hannity of course brought Clinton into the picture, but had Lewinsky as 19 in his version when she did not get her internship until she was 22. I've heard every day people say it is no big deal and then tell that Dems are worse. (Like the behavior of a Dem or anyone else on earth is relevant to the crime at hand.) I've heard it called a gay thing, and not pedophilia
  10. Did anyone else here get the latest Pernice Brothers release? I pre-ordered mine and it arrived yesterday along with the bonus disc of demo type material. So far I like the extra disc better than the main album, even though I like th main disc quite a bit.
  11. The party of Lincoln Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower has become the party of lie lie lie. Their Iraq Strategy is stay and die and hope for the best because we don't know what we are doing.
  12. The fact that we are even having a debate on torture in America shows how far this country has fallen.
  13. Actually right now they are going to do what they do regardless of what is being said here in our country because we have 145,000 troops and thousands of contractors/governmental aagency people there occupying their country.
  14. I guess my point about how this administration has fostered and cultivated an atmosphere of warfare against the press, and any political opponents such that they could all be rounded up and put away and the country would yawn in response, has been missed or lost. The press is simply one piece of the equation. How many times have we heard the fox propaganda network (and the rest of the right wing echo chamber) scream about that treasonous NY Times to the point where if the NY times was shut down the 35% on the right would not bat an eyelash? Of course no charges have ever been brought agains
  15. But has the press previousle ever been under assault the way it is with this administration? Has any adminsitration ever had the tools that this administration now has? Has this administration earned our trust enough for us (we the people...) to grant them these powers? No, no and no.
  16. Here's a little food for thought on this Wallace/Clinton thing. I am one of those who considers the Fox News Network to be little more than a cheerleading propaganda machine for the Republican party. I am not ow the opinion that the Wallace/Clinton interview was scheduled and carried out in the manner that it occured in order to provide cover for the republican party. They are voting on the torture wishes of the president this week, but where is the media's attention focused? It's focused on Wallace and CLinton. A very nice diversion away froma topic that should not even be debated in Am
  17. Apparently this Led Zeppelin band is creating a stir lately.
  18. DBT is one of my favorites. One nice thing about them is that there are three songwriters who give differing styles and perspectives. Decoration day has one of my all time favorite trucker songs
  19. Rice can say 911 report all she wants. With this administrations records she has to prove that what she says is what is in the report. They no longer have the benefit of the doubt. They have twisted the 911 report many times before, for instance the "Iraq/AlQueda relationship" that dirty dick seems to be unable to let go of, he continually cited the 911 report, which says no such thing only that Al Queda was in Iraq @911. Dirty dick leaves out that they were in areas not under Sadaams control and under US no fly zones. By dirty dick's reasoning his administration had a relationship with A
  20. The facts of the movie are indisputable. How he puts the facts together is editorializing. What the Path - 911 movie claimes is to be based on factual when the most incendiary parts are fictional and strictly editorializing. Remember too that ABC is owned by Disney who tried to pull the plug on F911 because they did not want to get into politcal tug of wars so to speak, yet they put out a partisan movie, and send screening copies only to the right wing media? Hmm, not too bad of a job staying non-political. If you actually listen to what has occured with the Iraq intelligence you can
  21. Are you referring to the period from January 2001 through September 2001? Remember that blissful time when all we cared about were tax cuts, secret oil energy meetings, starwars, downed planes in China, cutting dairy subsidies, grounding our predator drone fleet for 8 months, closing naval firing ranges in Puerto Rico, battling pretzels etc
  22. Clinton totally cleaned Wallace's clock on that interview. It reminded me of two other interviews. First, when Pete Rose was asked about apologizing for betting on baseball and the outcry against that reporter was terrific. Why? Because Rose was there for a totally different reason and he was ambushed. Clinton was on Wallace show for a particular reason and was ambushed. He was prepared for the ambush, but ambushed nonetheless. It would have been more appropriate for Wallace, by the way
  23. Simpson's fans every episode available to view here: http://www.allsimps.com/
  24. I'll believe it when I see it. Neil's archives are like GNR Chinese Democracy. Promised often yet thus far never delivered. (Note I do nto want GNR at all in any way shape or form. I just used them for comparisons)
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