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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. A guitar store down here had these in the $700 -$800 range. They are currently out of stock though.
  2. I like my Ibanez Artcore w/Bigsby just fine.
  3. From Wiki, According to Irving Kristol, the founder and "god-father" of Neoconservatism, there are three basic pillars of Neoconservatism: 1. Economics: Cutting tax rates in order to stimulate steady, wide-spread economic growth and acceptance of the necessity of the risks inherent in that growth, such as budget deficits. 2. Domestic Affairs: Preferring strong government but not intrusive government, slight acceptance of the welfare state, adherence to social conservatism, and disapproval of counterculture. 3. Foreign Policy: Patriotism is a necessity, world government is a terrible idea
  4. I've had the vinyl version of stand in the fire since the day it came out. I've been waiting for this puppy on cd for quite some time.
  5. Has anyone out there got the Grey Album and would be willing to share? I once had it, but my hard drive crashed and I lost it, and am now looking to get acopy once more. COntact me off list if you have it and are willing to share. Thank you very much.
  6. GG Allin Stiv Bators John Lydon Bon Scott
  7. Bottle ROckets - I'll be Comin Around.
  8. Lammycat or anyone else who wants to hear prince quitarwork. Look up the video for Prince perfomring While My Guitar Gently Weeps on u-tube. Watch the whole thing, I guarantee you you will not be dissapointed. The last three minutes are simply beautiful.
  9. I own an Ibanez Artcore w/bigsby.
  10. I had it in may/June or so. I know it was many weeks before Jay got fired.
  11. Imagine the guys horror if he saw the Alternat art for Pantera's vulgar display of power...it is a fist up the A** of a person.
  12. Any mentionns of Metal Machine Music? It's pretty much a 60 minute solo
  13. In an interview, Pelosi also said she was puzzled by what she considered the president's minimalist explanation for his confidence in the new surge of 21,500 U.S. troops that he has presented as the crux of a new "way forward" for U.S. forces in Iraq. "He's tried this two times
  14. Yes he is being misled. Jesus General sent in the Ted Nugent Loin CLoth entry. and yes it looks like the thirdd time, but I don't really read all the posts here so sorry for posting it again.
  15. In essence Tthose who have medical Insurance are subsidized by the whole pool of insured...and they subsidize the uninsured. The way I look at it is I have insurance. It costs me $x twice a month. It also costs me $x +20% up to a certain $$ amount. If universal healthcare came in and my taxes rose by the amount I currently pay and the amount I currently pay was no longer deducted, I would be fine with that, especially if it makes our countrya better country. I don't believe in social darwinism, so I am not as inclined to say screw them if they can't aford it. We never know what a person
  16. I see some old standards missing from the list. Any bands out there you think would be offensive to Pastor Davies? I know they are not gay, but what happennd to the days of condeming Kiss, Ozzy, Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, The Pistols etc... I'm not 100% sure if he is looking for Gay bands or Homosexual bands. Example Poison is gay as hell, while Elton John is a homosexual.
  17. Two things First Colbert... Stephen Colbert: What made [Tuesday's State of the Union speech] so groundbreaking, I think, was all the new stuff we've never heard from the president before...like a domestic agenda. Take his proposal to fix the whole health care mess with the only proven cure-all: tax breaks... Bush clip: And for the millions of Americans with no health insurance at all, this deduction would help put a basic private health insurance plan within reach. Colbert: It's so simple. Most people who couldn
  18. I am going to add my two bits regarding the health savings accounts. These accounts are part of a bigger strategy that has been discussed in the tax world for a number of years now. Republicans would like people to take charge of their own destiny and handle their own health care needs. Several years ago the Medical Savings accounts were introduced. They were sold as a way to save for medical costs and earn money at the same time. Essentially they are supposed to be a way to replace the pre-tax amounts people were having withheld. The second issue is what was mentioned last night, the he
  19. Not the Replacement song discussion I thought it would be.
  20. In our Household we get: Rolling Stone Uncut Guitar Player Bass Player Sports Illustrated Sports Illustrated for Kids Living Country Living Southern Living People Seventeen Cosmo Girl Inquest Gamer and a couple more of those home decor type magazines... I also read; Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Washington post, WSJ
  21. I guess his singing is a matter of perspective. I am no judge of vocal abilities or technical prowess with instruments. But it seems to me that in the 1970's that was one of the arguments against Punk. Oh they can't play or they can't sing. Typically a Yes fan might argue that Steve Howe was technically a better player than...well almost everybody, Alan White or Bill Bruford were better drummers than... Chris Squire could play bass better than... Rick Wakeman or Patrick Moraz were better with Keys than... and John Anderson could sing more octaves than most everyone else therefore yes is
  22. I was never a very big fan of Dio. To me that was not Sabbath. I
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