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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. BS had a stretch of fiive albums and then everythinng became quite spotty after that.
  2. I got my gutiar player magazins the other day and there was a calendar in the package. At first glance I saw it was for First Act guitars (First Act is what they sell at Wal-Mart) and was ready to toss it. I had to look inside first though and was surprised to see Paul Westerberg as the January Pinup. They also had Shona Tucker and Jason isbell of the DBT's.
  3. The Fearless freaks - Flaming Lips.
  4. I know it reads funny but there is certain amount of music where it sound like it belongs to a certain time period and other music that is timeless. Examples for ME are
  5. You know I have a hard time getting excited about the Police reuniting. All in all I liked the music just fine when they were together. They were never my favorite band, but I still enjoyed them. I have many fond memories of listening to them and other newer bands like the Cars and Dire Straits at college parties back when they all first began to appear. They were part of my awakening to the notion that rock music did not have to involve all the stadium rock crap and technical expertise that was considered imperative way back then. They sort of help lead me to the Clash, The Damned, The P
  6. Really? 0 - 2, I find that interesting. 1) the Rangel Draft idea has been floating around since ssometime in 2003. It comes and goes fromt he news. His point about it has beeen discussed here nicely. 2) way back in 1994 when the republicans took over there were few, if any negative headlines when nnew speaker Gingrich's hannd picked Majority leader lost to Tom DeLay. Actually the headlines made little mention of the loss to Gingrich. But today the so called "liberal Media" is reporting this as a major loss for Pelosi and signs of infighting wiith the dems. Very interesting.
  7. From a blog... Apropos of the midterm Congressional elections circa November 2007, President Thomas Jefferson had it right over 200 years ago about the resiliency of American democracy when he wrote the following words apropos of the 1798 Alien and Sedition Act that, like the Patriot Act, threatened the liberties of the American people: "A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit,
  8. I do think that the resignation will make a difference. Now with Rumsfeld gone the Vice President is the sole remaining PNAC member in the administration. Rumsfeld and dirty dick are quite close and I think they led and formulated US Foreign policy more than the president
  9. Please, viewing the last six years as Rpublican rule and the impression that they leave me with is that they, until now, have been almost cult-like clannish in their behavior. I'm talking elected officials and rank and file, the punditry, the hard core 30%. Nearly everytime something came up the response was yes, but Bill Clinton... Instead of sayign yes, we need to fix, they habitually had to shift the blame. Are the dems perfect? Hell no, neither party is. But in my life time, and especially the past few years, the republicans have been mroe willign to over look their ugly stains than
  10. I think the dems would be more willing to eat their own than republicans would. Remeber the republicans totally revamped the ethic committee when it appeared that people might start finding out how un-ethical they were acting. Remeber republicans, when they founnd out about Foley (Way back several years ago) kept quiet on the issue. Remeber Republicans tried to keep the Duke Cunningham sotry under wraps. The dems? Some hopped ont he Beat and strangle bill clinton band wagon. They stripped Jefferson of his positions. Will they always do it? Who knows if they don't act ethical, I will
  11. For me it is not any individual issue but the sum total of a mass of issues that are alomost too numerous to keep track of. Including one I forgot to mention yesterday...the total defanging of the ethic committee by Hastert and Delay. These things add up and eventually top the levee and you have a flood of crap innundating the republican party. It is patently obvious to me that the hardcore republicans can live with sexual misconduct, graft, influence peddling etc... as long as it is their guy. If it is the other guy, get out of the way because they are commign to get him both guns blazin
  12. We have Kit, Josefina and a bitty baby along witha lot of clothes and accessories, several trips to the store for lunch and shows...Those American Girl people know how to market that stuff. There has been some mostly minor stuff, but in one district, Katherine Harris old district in Florida, there is a problem with the undervote. The Undervote for Representative is way off from the undervote for Sentate and other big races. That is the one area where I have heard that there may be a bad case of voting machines not getting it right. I hesitate to say fraud because you need proof to alle
  13. Pe4rsonally i can not gloat about Rumsfeld leaving. At one point on 911 when he was out there at the pentagon being a regular guy helping with the wounded & such I had a bit of respect for him. Since then it has been all down hill. He and his think tank have, along with dirty dick and dumb george have lead America into a war on false pretenses. Face it, no matter how you slice it they wanted war with Iraq. Both Bush and dirty dick have said many times that even knowing today what they know they would have invaded, so we can drop the pretense of being surprised about no wmd being found
  14. Implying that the dems have the same issues as the republicans does nto make it so. Right now of the currently sitting congress I can think of Jefferson from Louisiana who is being investigated for bribery and for his deplorable Katrina behavior. I'm not sure of any other real scandals. Sure there is the phony Reid Land Deal muked up by the press, but the correct story got very little play. Outside of that I can't think of any real scandals. That does nto mean they exist, I just have not heard of them...got another the Kennedy (not Ted, the other one) drunk driving issue On the republi
  15. Have to iinterject here, the doll is an American Girls Doll named Kit. My Daughter has the same one. You can buy clothes to dress yourself (actually your kid I hope) like the doll. I find it interesting that Republicans look at preferences and say no special rights or preferences for anyone based on race sex etc... But for Gay marriage they say no special privledges for gays. Umm, giving them the same privledge is not a special privledge. The Republican stance carves out a separate set of privledges for straights and gays. Different issues, same principles, different stances. I
  16. I agree, that's why I looked at ALL the corruption, bribery, influence buying, bullying, and covering up of sexual misconduct as being what the republican party has going for it and leading to it's downfall this election. With Foley the big problem for me is nto so much his actions, but rather the apparent actions of thsoe around him who seemed perfectly content to cover it up. I recognize that all republicans are not corrupt, but enough misdeads have painted them as they appear. There has been a pattern of misbehavior going on unabatted, till now of course. While with the dems the press t
  17. I feel that the current republican party brought this on by their actions. It's not all Bush either. Bush has his problems, but the rubber samping of those problems by congress is one issue while the drunken cr4ack whore in a liquor store way they ran congress is as big of an issue as anything. Hopefully once the impeachments are over we can get the country back to normal. Ruling as if the other party does not exist is un-American and that is how the republicans have been for the last six years.
  18. Who determines what is noble? Bipartisanship is the only thing that works, it is what ends up benefitting the majority of the people. Believe it or not I am very conservative personally. I don't hate me at all either. What I can't stand is the current incarnation of the republican party. It is about as far from conservative as youc an get. Or at least about as far from what I used to know as conservatism. Conservatives used to be for fisccal responsibility, now all they are for is low taxes. Conservatives used to be agaiisnt government intrusion in private lives, nnow they seem to wa
  19. Currently what we have is Hasstert and previously Delay and they are not fringe dwellers? They lead from the fringe only and pulled their party towards the fringe hence the voting went the way it did for the last six years. They lead fromt he fringe and failed, and they had the support of a radical right wing administration, AND a radicalized supreme court, which has been legislating fromt he bench while ignoring the orignial intent on an ever increasing basis. Talk about radical agendas and extremists. If Pelosi leads from the fringe she will fail. You are also assuming that Pelosi wi
  20. I have no clue as to what the various candidates in MD were all about, but I do find it interesting that Ehrlich and Steele bussed in homeless blacks from Philly to hand out flyers on election day. By the Way I think republicans have benefitted more from people who vote for the initial behind the name than democrats have. Over the last 14 years or so the media has continually painted the dems as aout of touch weak etc... Usually ignoring their true positions in the process, while they paint the republicans as haivng firm ideas and as being strong. Well. there is a whole lot mroe to govern
  21. Each individual is responsible for their own morality that much is certain. For years the Republicans have been running on being morally superior, with abortion being one of their main issues. Over the last few years the gay marriage issue has probably supplanted abortion a little. If Republicans were truly serious about ending abortion they could have done something about it over the last two years. They had the majority on both houses. They were able to pass a law that effectively ended Habeus Corpus and gave the president the authority to determine who get Habeus Corpus thus effectivel
  22. John kerry Apologized this Mornign on MSNBC. later here is Tony Snow's comments... All you have to do is say, I apologize. I said something, it came out wrong, I
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