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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Go figure, who would have thunk it? chicagotribune.com Band's lyrics cut in Webcast Pearl Jam protests to AT&T about omission of anti-Bush lines; firm calls editing a mistake By Jon Van Tribune staff reporter August 9, 2007 A live Internet broadcast of Pearl Jam's performance at Chicago's Lollapalooza music festival Sunday went off without a hitch -- until singer Eddie Vedder criticized President Bush. Lyrics critical of the president didn't make it past editors of the show's Webcast, the band complained Wednesday on its Web site. The performance, sponsored by AT&T Inc. and
  2. My Brother in law and I discussed this yesterday and his viewpoint is that the bridge collapse is no big deal, only 5 people dead and 8 missing? No problem for him. A major artery in a major US city severed due to lack of infrastructure maintenance? No problem for him. He then proceeded to blame the media for the collapse even being in the news because they just want to show dead bodies and report bad things about America etc...
  3. Does this needs a point of reference? Is acid a harder drug than coke? Where is speed? PCP? Ludes? How about never took any choice?
  4. Way back early in the Iraq occupation I read a story about a military minister who had access to facilities to bath (can't remember if it was a shower or bathtub) But he allowed soldiers to use the stuff only if they would let him baptize them. I don't recall ever hearing if he was disciplined or not, which makes me think not.
  5. I believe on the 11th is when they played as the openeing band for themselves, then played a full set as headliners with maybe Sleater Kinney playing inbetween. The copy I have has 45 songs on it.
  6. New Adventures Reckoning Murmer Document Automatic for the People Lifes Rich Pagent Out of time Green Monster UP Fables Reveal Never hear Around the sun I pretty much like the first seven on my list equally.
  7. http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/simpsons-contest.htm
  8. This is my first and last comment on Icky Thump. After having it for two weeks and listening to it frequently I have to say that it just does not grab me at all. It has it's moments but it is a far cry from Elephant, White Blood Cells and De Stijil. Perhaps at a later date I will get the full album, but for me this is a disc to skip over most parts of.
  9. Prine is dead? I asked Jim D about compiled works foor bangs writings and he indicated that it was in the hands of his estate and they had not indicated yes or no that they were going to compile them into volumes. I think volumes of reviews, articles based on subject or publication, or era's would all be great reads.
  10. Jimmy Vaughn is to Stevie Ray Vaughn as Jim Belushi is to John Belushi i.e. both living in the shadows of legends and neither even coming close to measuring up to their dead brothers.
  11. Way back then "Fire On High" was always on Wide World of Sports.
  12. I was going to add Nickelback, the Guess Who, Arcade Fire
  13. I'm not a huge fan. I don't find their music, nor the music of Jeff Lynne as offensive as some here do. I've never really owed too much of their stuff because it was always on the radio. What I have always tried to own is a copy of face the music which is a darned fine album. Of course now in the era of the CD you can't play it backwards to hear the hidden message.
  14. Whoops I thought it was Mono, I stand corrected.
  15. Mine is on Fuel 2000 released in 2004 and sounds just fine. it has the album in mono and a whole bunch of out takes and stereo remixes.
  16. In the long run, what do you think the odds are that those who dislike the idea of a Wilco song in a commercial actually sit and watch the commercial thinking cool, I get to hear Wilco on TV. But then they still come in here and rail about the sell out.
  17. Danko & Manuel, Carl Perkins Cadillac - Both by DBT's
  18. Personally I don't see what the big deal is. Heck after hearing Iggy Pop on a cruise line commercial or the Jam on a Cadillac commercial, nothing will surprise me any more.
  19. Kevin Kinney - MacDougal Blues mentions Joni Mitchel & others
  20. You would think that of all the museums int he world out there, that this one would at least follow the ten commandments and keep the sabbath holy. However they choose to spit in the face of god's law and stay open 7 days a week.
  21. I beleive it came out in her testemony (or maybe it was the latest batch of emails) that they were talking in 2005 about sending griffin to Arkansas. I fully beleive that Ashcroft was fired for not signing off on the wiretap plan and replaced with a pliable yes man who would do whatever he was told.
  22. Positions are politcal as far as being appinted by one president or another, however the position it self is supposed to be politcs neutral. It appears that these people have used the position for politcal activities..almost exclusively. What stuns me though is that no one at justice seems to have been involved int he firings. Essentially each person testifies and says that they were only involved in a minor way or nto at all, and of course once he testified and pointed fingers, everyone who testified knew they were not involved but were pretty positive Mc Nulty was the guy. Even though b
  23. I'm kinda partial to this Stiff Little Fingers song - Just fade away. She asks for more and I give less Why can't she see it's obvious I mean no but she takes yes I make it clear but she don't guess. She comes around it gets me down But she don't catch a hint I drop She turns up it turns me off And she don't know when to stop. What am I supposed to do? How to gently break the news? How to get the message through? Perhaps I should just fade away. She asked me out and I gave in Then she gave out and I felt mean I really want no more of us So I stay home, she comes across. She comes rou
  24. I ssaw Zappa twice in one night back in 1980 or 81 or so at ISU. Very interesting performance and what a phenominal guitar player.
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