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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Right now republicans know that their best chance of retaining the white house does not depend on their candidate, but on the dem candidate. Hillary Clinton is the most hated person in the world to republicans. They know that f she gets the nod the republican voters will turn out in record numbers to vote for her. Regardless of what the skeletal one might say she will never ever vote dem. One of Rove's people said almost a year ago that they would like nothing better than to face hillary so they create the impression that she is the one they don't want to run against. They did it in 2004
  2. I have a degree in geology...that's why I'm a tax accountant. Got it in 82 when there was a world wide recession in the oil industry so a glut of geologists hit the market. I had to eat so I now am an accountant.
  3. Reminds me of the Casey Kasim clip where he goes off for a while - Audio only I think. Funny stuff.
  4. I respectfully disagree that those issues are more important. They are equally important. They are happening now, but we must prevent this from happening again. IOne is the here and now and the other is the future. As to no body looking for ann answer that is not steeped in rhetoric, umm nobody is looking period. The ISG was completely ignored by the administration. And face it no matter what any investigation would uncover unless it shows exactly what people want to hear they will never believe it. And I am speaking in particular of the cult of Bush never coming to the realization of t
  5. Bush would never go under oath nor testify on the record about anything. My point being that Bush apologists think lying about a personal matter totally unrelated to the running of our country is a much more serious offense than lying about...well, the security of our nation. Clinton was held accountable for every action of every underling in his adminsitration, for some reason Bush apologists slough every bad thing off on others. The man-god is pure and untouched in their minds beciause of this. I did nto realize I had categorized you as any of those things. I think you read way tooo
  6. Interesting how the perjury trap set up for Clinton revolving around a personal issue is blown up to be a greater crime and event than what has occurred the last seven years. I also find it interesting that the perjury trap set for Clinton revolving around a personal issue not related at all to the running of the united states is still a larger issue to Bush supporters than things like oh Perjury involving the exposure of a US spy. Especially when the SPy perjurer was given multiple chances to extricate himself from the lies. How many times was libby brought back in to clarify testimony? A
  7. You know what I love...seeing people who support the war 100% , people who say this is the biggest threat to ever face the United States (morons) and then see those same military age people back away from recruiters because they want to finissh school or they just got a job or some other excuse. Sorry but if this is the biggest threat our nation has ever faced and you believe it, then you should be getting your ass out there and living your convictions. But even the college republicans who are staying home in droves, like they did in Vietnam, knwo that what they say is a farce. In 20 years
  8. This quote is a perfect example of damage being done by Bush & co. They and their supporters continually point out things that various presidents have done throughout history. Mainly they completely distort what actually occurred in order to support their position, but a side effect has been for the legacy of past presidents have been tarnished a little each time Bush compares his actions to theirs. Hopefully you do understand the politcal ramificatiosn of voting no at the time, don't you? It would be like voting no to the upcoming "stimulus package" during an election year. The
  9. That's the beauty of this whole conversation...we all see womething in each of these albums that moves us, be it Jason's songs or Cooley and Hood or the theme's whatever. They each hold something. FOr me SRO works because of the story it tells and I hear no filler. Each song has it's place on the album and they all work together. But what I find to be an appealing song is someone else's filler and vice versa.
  10. I still put SRO at the top of the heap. Decoration Day/Dirty South/Brighter Than Creations Dark are all a close second for me. Each has it's merits for being equal to the others. But my opinion still holds that SRO is the tops.
  11. I won't respond to the whole thread, only the above comment. Bush and his people have been saying since the day his ratings started to drop, that only when time has passed and you have the ability to look back at an administration can you really judge it. So I think it may be a bit premature to say he has done no lasting damage. What if everything he says turns out the way he said it would? Then he will be judged great, however if things turn out the way his critics have portrayed or they stay as they are then he will be judged far more harshly than he is being judged today. And if h
  12. Never seen them live. Had tickets a couple of times, but haven't made it ever. For me I love Cooley's growling more than any of them. Patterson comes and goes for me. On the three albums they were together I always gravitated towards Cooley songs then Isbell then Patterson. So that should give a little perspective on where I am coming from. I guess with three singers and three songwriters you will have all sorts of differing opinions on who is the better, but as always it's our own opinions. I'm sure that there are some people out there who probably think Shonna has the best songs on th
  13. I guess we will have to agree to disagree here. I personally don't think anyone song stands out from the pack in an album full of good songs. Where the devil don't stay sets the tone for the album and sucks the listener into that great trifecta opening the album. Look out mountain on the other hand closes out the album's final three very strong cuts. Any of which are among the best they have ever done. Granted Lookout Mountain is an older song remade, but in the context of this cd it is perfect right where it is. I guess we have to disagree on Decoration day too...Hell No I Ain't Happy,
  14. Jason wrote the best songs by far? Not even Close? I had no Idea he wrote Lookout Mountain, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Carl Perkins Cadillac...Interesting. I learn something new everyday. All kidding aside, Jason's songs in Dirty South are very good and as a whole are among his best, however...I don't think they are the best on the album by far. There are some dammed good songs on there from Cooley and Patterson more than equal to anything Jason did. Either way it is all a matter of opinion and personal taste anyway.
  15. What was wrong with it? Well republicans had come to believe that they owned the white house. Since 1968, prior tp Clinton only Carter served as a dem. Also the deregulation of radio and the rise of talk radio allowed the right to build up a huge strawman to take pot shots at...this is coming from a guy who never voted for Clinton or any democrat at anny level for any office prior to Bush being nominated.
  16. You are kidding right? Right...? Sigh, I guess not. Did you notice hat the tax cuts for the middle and lower classes amounted to the same amount as the rebate? You still had to take a credit for the rebate on your taxes when you filed 01, but the amount of your rebate was it...period. Top rates were cut much deeper than that...3%. In addition to the unseen benefits such as the capital gains tax cut...now you can pay as low as 5% if you are in a lower bracket (not too many people in the lower brackets have capital gains) or 15% for those in upper brackets. Add to that many other deducti
  17. The out of pocket comment was sarcasim. I was referring to the above. Sadly too many people think Bush is a savior because they got a couple of bucks out of the government. He's not, the first rebate was a smoe screen to diver peoples attentiosn away from the much more massive give aways occuring higher up the social ladder. The current rebate for congress is strictly an election year ploy to make people think that something is being done, when this should have little actual affect on the economy. For Bush it is his answer to evrything...cut taxes.
  18. No one did, But the President did not give anyone anything. He was worth what maybe $12 - 15 million when he took office> There is no way he coudl give everyone in the country all that cash. All it was is a rebate of withholding that you had to note on your return when you filed it. It's not me being angry, it iis simple fact. That douchebag should not get credit the way he was given credit.
  19. Hillary has a couple of pluses in that she Bill and she has the experience ot negotiate the agencies that Bush & co F'd up. It is going to take a major amount of knowledgeable people to fix the mess the next president is going to innherit. Her Major minus is that she will probably mobilze as many republican voters as an of their canndidates will be able to. Republicans hate her and Bill passionately. Republicans do not fear her running, she is the candidate they want to get the nomination. For Obama, he is an excellent speaker. He is not afraid to go against the grain, though to cam
  20. Bush gave you nothing. This was simply a payout of your income taxes...in other words you got some of your withholding back and had to take a $300 or $600 credit on your income taxes when you filed as you will this time. No one is giving you anything.
  21. Exactly the economy is more than the Dow and lending issues. But the Dow is supposed to reflect confidence in the economy. The markets are supposed to reflect how the economy is moving and are more than simply people gambling on will this stock rise or can I make money on that commodity. Ditto for the interest/mortgage issue. Here is part of the problem...when the government issues more and more debt more and more of our nations wealth leaves the country through the debt service (interest) payments. Also the more interest we pay as a nation, the more it crowds out other spending...things
  22. Umm if we fail to pay any bonds that become due...we as a nation are fugged. The bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of our government, I'm not sure of the exact wording. However should we choose to default then we would most likely not be able to sell bonds anywhere for sometime. We might be able to sell higher interest bonds which would not be good. We might be able to get shorter term bonds on the market which is also not very good. No matter how you slice it, not paying our debts as a nation is not a wise fiscal policy. Some might say it is a wise political strategy, but le
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