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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. It is also easier to think about 911 in terms of absolute incompetance on the part of the Bush adminsitration, than it is to think about them actually pulling off 911 on their own sucessfully without any leaks. If they really did it I woudl imagine that there is a possibility that someone somewhere in the so called plot would have a conscious and spill it.
  2. He wants her to be the dem nominee. She is the easiest of the two to beat, not that beating either will be easy. But if Hill wins the nomination then the "base" can be motivated to turn out and go get her. Beyond that the longer the dem race is in doubt, the more money they have to spend now and less that will be availabble for the general election. Besides that all Rush listeners that I know always profess their independence of thought. It woudl be interesting to see if they do as he commands or if they really do have some independence.
  3. The information presented gives no indication of what exactly the guy is involved in, so I can't make judgments on the reasons for his detention. However I do have a couple of observations... If the guys is truly being held on charges that he has no clue what they are, then that is not what our legal system is about. If he is being held with no clue about the charges and the basis of his arrest was the patriot act, then that shows that the Patriot act can be used domestically in ways critics claimed it could be used. Also the Minutemen strike me as being just the sort of right wing group t
  4. Since the busines sis only 42 people, you probably do have to submit. I would bet that they are exempt from all sorts of rules because they are small. And like Bjorn says most states have some sort of employment at will doctrines so...
  5. This request seems excessive. How big is the company you work for? I only ask because smaller company's (100 employees or less I believe) have different rules than larger companies. I work for a huge company and I know that our HR people can only delve into areas related to your qualifications to perform the job. I know we are very careful about what we ask and how we ask it, so we are in compliance with the law.
  6. I have no problem with him or anyone else running for office. The only probel I had with this thread is the utterly false assertion that democrats and republicans have little difference between them.
  7. I do nto for one minute believe that anything of the sort has been proven true. In fact I think just simple observation of how each party operattes when they have power shows just how different they are. Nader mucked things up in 2000 for one reason and one reason only...the republicans dressed up an ideological incompetant turd and sold him as a competant middle of the road sort of guy. They painted Gore as an incompetant far left "liberal" Nader got most of his votes from people who would normally have voted Dem, very few came from the right. This year I don't think it will matter. Vot
  8. I think there are draft picks involved also. The Bulls possibly get a second rounder from the CAVs next year maybe.
  9. Didn't McCains wife make her comments with her husband by her side at a campaign event of his? Sounds like a scriipted campaign response to garner the cheers. Yes there are actual people out there who believe that. Heck there are far more of them than you realize. Tune into the faux commentaries or go read some right wing websites or listen to right wing radio, it's out there en masse. Sad thing though is these people think anyone who challenges the president on anything somehow hates America.
  10. Whether they adress it or not the Faux News and Rush Limbaugh's of the world are going to beat it to death in a manner similar to the never happened "I invented the internet" quote. I am torn on this one. On one hand I see a potential message discipline problem from the Obama camp. On the other hand it is refreshing to hear something not scripted, that is not pandering. And of course the "serious" news outlets will overanalyze the statement for months keeping it in the news while they ignore McCain's statements about carrying on the Bush Policies into his adminsitration.
  11. Missed this yesterday. But February 18, 1995 Bob passed away.
  12. The federal governnment is involved because steroids are illegal and classified as acontrolled substance. Add to the the fact that baseball has an anit-trust exemption granted by congress and the appearance that MLBB is looking the other way and tolerating the use of Steroids, and this is an appropriate topic to investigate. Consider to that back in Ruth's day sports was pretty well limited to Basebal, everubody played baseball annd dreamed of the bigs. Some people played basketball, football had not blossomed yet, hockey and most other sports were niche sports. There are a lot of fact
  13. Ty Cobb was the Bonds of his day an a-hole through and through. I have little ddoubt that he would be a user if he were around today. Ruth...Sure he didn't play against blacks and minorities, but he also played in a much smaller league so the white-only talent was not diluted. There were players on the benchs of teams that might have been starters in a league the size of the current majors leagues. There were o teams west of the mississippi or south of the mmason dixon line either, and the players travelled by bus annd train to games. Things were different then. And yes Ruth drank and h
  14. You're right to free speech has not been impugned by me or anyone else. Though you really ought to know that it is the government that has no right to suppress your speech. Private entities may controll your speech, otherwise the moderators here would not ban people or topics. My point is that when we perpetuate these images, these negatives continually it makes it so much easier to slide down the slippery slope. Regardless of how many Bush/Hitler pictures are posted "for balance" it does not make it right and it does not lessen the ugly nature of political discourse in this country today.
  15. I could care less for Hill or Bill, but when stuff like that gets posted as genuine politcal commentary or humor it makes it easier for worse things to happen. Oh, things like Fox News Bill Sullivan runnning side by side comparisons of a speach by Obama and a speech by Adolph Hitler. Stuipid ignorant shit grows out of our acceptance of things we might consider minor and or insignificant.
  16. The Mitchell report deals with the Mets and Yankee's (to a lesser extent) and with the Giants and a few other miscellaneous cases. Heck it does not address the possibility that even within organizations examined, like the Mets, that there might be other possible suppliers for players wanting to be more secretive. It does not take into account the unknowns (annd it really can't), like what about players who go offshore and get supplied off shore? I would say just from the slim slice of the major leagues it does opened up that Yes, there is a possibility that more than 50% of the players are
  17. If I am not mistaken this is a carryover from the hearings of a couple of years ago. I diidn't hear the openig remarks but one of the score guys said that the remarks laid out , for him at least, valid reasons for the hearings. Remember these are controlled substances illegal under US law. Regardless of what the players say about them not being banned by MLB they have been illegal in the US for years. The reason for the ehariings may even stretch to the investigations of the "pharmacies" who fill out these presciptions cross country. I'm waiting foor the WWE guys tohave their hearings sin
  18. I really find it hard to believe that any replacement fan likes Don't tell a Soul better than any of their releases except maybe stink. It has a few great songs (Talent Show, Achin to Be, You be me) But for the most part when you line up all of the albums and listen, it is the one that asthetically does not fit in. Granted ASD was made largely with studio musicians making it essentially a Westy solo disc, but it still far and away outshines DTAS.
  19. The simple fact that you use the term Billary is definately a sign of the highly partisan times.
  20. I live in the shadow of the University of Illinois and what I found distressing is that the Cream and the Clear were invented and being manufactured in their back yard. Distressing because prior to this year, it has been painfully obvious that none of these home grown products were being used by the local football team.
  21. He is certainly acting like a guilty man to me. His story has never seemed quite right and has big holes you can drive through. Right now he has an "aw shucks" persona which I am guessing is to make him more common. Couple of notes for me though, the whole issue of the committee asking for the name of the nanny and not being given it until after several requests was very fishy, especially when we learn that Rogers lawyers contacted her and Roger invited her to visit his home before they ever gave her name to congress, and after congress asked for it. The other thing that struck me as just
  22. You do know that this is by design don't you? RIght now they call it Rovian, But Lee Atwater was a master at it as were those in the Reagan camp. I call it divide and conquer, the Rove crew believe in the take no prisoners, broker no deals with those who don't support you. It may have been going on longer, but it was during the late Carter years and early Reagan years that I become politically aware. And of course today it is worse than ever. Glad we have a uniter in charge.
  23. Sadly from the first reports coming out of the Clemens hearings it looks likke it is 100% partisan as usual with Democrats apparently going for Clemens and Republicans going after McNamee. Though thus far from what I have read Dan Burton appears to be a huge dumb ass. Quoting a 2000 article where McNamee said he does not supply steroids to the Yankees. Never taking into account that in a news paper article McNamee was not under oath and that back in 2000 Mitchell had yet to even start his report. Also CLemenns makes way too amny illogical statements. Things like in one breath saying it w
  24. I'm gonna get them all eventually. Here's the order I like them and am going to replace what I have: Let it Be Tim Pleased to Meet Me All Shook Down Hootenanny Sorry Ma Forgot To Take Out the Trash Don't Tell a Soul Stink Other people like Hootenanny a whole lot more than I do and you will probably see it listed higher up on others lists (probably most). All Shook Down is essentially Paul's first solo album but was under the Replacements name, But I still like it a lot. Sorry Ma and Stink are essentially punk albums while Don't Tell has some great songs on it, but it has a way different
  25. Sure split hairs, add the word some, but the general argument presented by republicans is that anyone who disagrees with Bush is on a blame America first mode of operation. I have never heard anyone on Fox News or on any of the Right wing sites (though i don't watchh fox 24-7 or visit all Right wing sites) say some democrats blame america, or some liberals, it is always democrats or liberals etc... and they never say that these people are disatisfied with the administrations performance, they say that these people hate America. So keep splitting hairs if you like and if it makes you feel bet
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