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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I don't know where you went to school, but if quoted correctly that economics professor is wrong wrong wrong!!! And so wrong that the statement shows a total incompetence in his chosen field of study, and sounds more like a political pundit than a real educator. Our national debt is and has always, in my lifetime at least, been held by outside sources. Individual people hold a lot of our nations debt through a number of means mainly through savings bonds and bond funds. Many stock funds hold a certain amount of treasury debt, many retirement plans hold treasury bills. Foreign entities ha
  2. I used to think the same thing. My brother in law fell in love with Bush in early 2000 and has never lost that love. At the time I told him the wrong Bush was running. Now I think Jeb would be little different than George. Jeb definitely has a less stubborn personality than George, but I now think Jeb is just as partisan and just as willing to cater to the fringe as his brother is. Case in point, look at his actions during and after the whole Terri Shiavo affair.
  3. X March 19th @ the Metro
  4. Using the current economic theory pushed by the people in power right now, you should push up your credit over the max, and cut your wages. It will lead to increased income.
  5. Only since '04? SInce December 2000 for me.
  6. The legacy he is searching for?
  7. One thing I find very interesting is that the people who are now saying that Hillary winning will be bad because it will give us 24 and possibly 28 years of Bush of Clinton in the White House are the very same people who in 2004 were looking through the Bush family tree to see who might be next in line for the next Bush White House. They did not seem to have a problem with it back then, Times change I guess. FYI I am not in favor of the two family system of government.
  8. Missed the record part... I have an original pressing of Sid Sings (was there any more printed?)
  9. I don't know if Guitar Hero is going to get more people playing guitar or not. What I do know is that it is exposing my kids to music they would not normally listen to.
  10. On the plus side for Shonna is that I think her Harmonies smooth out Patterson's rough edges.
  11. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and attractive or not Ms SImpson is not worth 10 pages of comments.
  12. After having a bit of time to digest this disc I have to say I love it. It ranks up with their best. SRO stands alone at the top of the heap for me, but Decoration Day, Dirty South and this one are all pretty equal in my eyes. The only thing that would put those above this one for me would be that I like Isbell's songs better than Shonna. However Cooley's songs resonate strongest with me and this album Is chock full of them.
  13. For me it's: Amorica Tall Southern Band Shake 3 snakes By Your Side Lions If I could add in the Jimmy Page Live set it would be right up there with Amorica and tall.
  14. And the Current president has said on numerous occasions "If we do it it's legal" My What an angry response. I think you need to re-read the whole thread for this particular topic. Someone implied the small business owners would pass the tax savings along. I simply stated that from experience I did not believe that to be true. I did not pass any judgments on anyone for doing this. I was simply noting that anywhere that savings could be made it would be retained by the owner(s). I perhaps did not explicitly say so but they would retain those savings for profit. Where on earth did I
  15. Would it be fair to say that you might never accept any charges against the president regardless of the proof? I know many people who still think Nixon did no wrong, and that when Reagan sold arms to the contra's and traded with Iran that it is OK in spite of what the actual laws were.
  16. Small business owners also hate paying the employees portion as well as the employees federal and state withholding. I've done several cases where the taxpayer owed a boatload of cash and it is because they did not pay in the withholdings. To a person they all insisted that it was their money and had no conception of the fact that the money they owed was the withhodlings from their employees, that they had been really paying their people 10 dollars an hour and withholding the other five until it was due to be paid. The only thing they can do to avoid paying FICA is to pay their employees le
  17. That match did not cme from the employees at all ever. It always came from the employers and it has been required by law. Where do you think it came from?
  18. No it does not come out of your pay at all. And no I do not think employers would pass along that amount to their employees unless forced to by law, especially small business owners. Why do I think that? I live in Illinois and used to do taxes for many small business owners. The Unemployment Compensaion tax (UC) is paid by the employers. The tax rate is always based on a formula involving wages paid and claims made. As you go with less and less claims you pay a lower rate. I have seen time and time again where the employers rates have dropped and they have never in my experience paid
  19. I want to live in a world with no taxes and nearly no government interference in my life. Where what I earn I keep I can defend my home with automatic weapons and we have no illegal immigration problem as well as no national health care or retirement system, and to heck with the rest. I think I'll call it Somalia.
  20. The figure is actually 15.3% and you are absolutely not putting out 15% of your own money, you are 100% off from what you actually pay out. You pay out 7.65%. Of that 6.2% is SS and 1.45 is medicare. The other half of the 15% figure you toss out there is paid by the employer as their match. Thhat is not your money. Stop taking what you do not earn yourself. It is against your principles. Ditto for unemployment insurance since it is paid 100% by the employers.
  21. Quotes like this just piss me off and are simply one more straw on the pissed off electorates back. It shows a willing ignorance of the nature of "militant Islam" as if there is such a monolithic force. The current crop of "leaders" and their followers paint a one dimensional picture that consists of: Muslim bad, they hate us and our freedom, they all want to end our way of life and convert us to Islam at the point of a sword or chop our heads off etc... As if one poorly painted picture will illuminate the nature of these MANY different groups with MANY VARIED agendas. Al Queda originally
  22. This is very long winded and I could care less if you read one word of it. I'm not thin skinned I could care less how you insult me. I simply noted the derisive comment. I believe elsewhere in this very thread someone was discussing the very issue of name calling for the sake of politics. That is the only reason I brought it up. As to both parties failing I don't see how you can view things that way. I tend to be pretty conservative personally and I used to be republican politically, even fairly recently. (as recently as 2004 I was asked to be a republican committeeman in my town.
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