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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I also had a client who kept a stack of hustlers and penthouse mags in the public bathroom at their business. Generally the bosses I have had have been fairly decent both in public accounting and in private industry.
  2. I used to have a client that was a fast growing company selling software. They had a pension plan with 5yr cliff vesting. What this meant was the company would contribute every year for you and you would vest 0% every year until the 5th year when you would vest 100%. If you left the company before then all invested amounts were allocated to those people on the plan who were still participating. If you surveyed the employee records you would find that the owner and a couple of other key people had 5 or more years service. In effect all pension contributions were made based on everyone's wages b
  3. It was a little weird to see a full set ( I assume) and be on the road home at a time when most shows are just heating up.
  4. Yes I was at the high dive show. Apparently they had to rush the show and be done and have the bar cleared by 10 to make way for a DJ and dance party.
  5. I know an individual who hates Obama. Fox/tea partier etc ... His family is saving $300/mo because his wife's employer is now required to cover all employees, she was formerly exempt from their plan. Anyhow he wanted to keep his plan that he felt was gold plated. (It wasn't ) now he has better coverage for less yet still hates the ACA. Oh well. Btw my story is anecdotal and I still believe that the overall stats need to be looked at.
  6. Last night was generally the same as you describe. I'll add that the show seemed to get louder as the show went on. Also the ongs seemed to be played faster than expected.
  7. Probably going to see them this evening in Champaign, depending on the snow.
  8. Jeez go out of town for a few days and return to this...not much.
  9. There is no such thing as balanced reporting there is news or there isn't news. Tit for tat is pure bullshit.
  10. Just curious as to what this has to do with what is on drudge and no the selfie is not up at huffpo, a picture of them taking the selfie is up there. I'm sure the NSA has a copy though.
  11. Again you ignore my point that the amount if the increase is irrelevant the right will always and has always raised the same arguments regardless of the size of the increase. This conversation is pointless.
  12. Every time the min wage has gone up that I can remember your argument gas been brought out by conservatives. Again you completely missed (ignored ?) my point. Besides if min wage was tied to inflation it most likely would be in that $15 range. Btw if $9 was proposed or tying it to some inflation index I know exactly what the argument would be.
  13. Ummm that was my point though . Minimum wage has been rising steadily since then and each time there is a cry out that it will cost jobs and curtail business. Does each mcd store have a smaller crew than back then? Sure they do, but processes have changed and streamlined since then. Those changes would have occurred regardless of minimum wage.
  14. Minim wage was 2.20/hr when I worked at McD 's going by the logic presented here and nearly continuously by the right, theinimim wage of 7 something an hour should have crippled and nearly killed McD's by now. Yet today there are more stores than ever And I just don't understand how that is possible. Also the number of employees is almost irrelevant, it makes it seem like they will all be paid full time. The real figure to look at is man hours worked or projected to work.
  15. Not the race baiting thread I was looking for.
  16. No politics at our thanksgiving, first holiday in 10-15 years without. Also if nukes start erupting in the Mid East it will more likely than not be the U.S. Or Israel pulling he trigger.
  17. The conservative media hauls that tired analogy out every time we don't go to war...or so it seems
  18. I think it shows that the RW media influences about 20% of the people, down from 35 or so a couple of years ago. Seriously though multinational diplomacy is worth a try. Besides if it fails we still have enough bombs and young men's blood to get them later, so there's always hope for the death dealers. I can just picture it...right now there are people in Iran bitching about the deal because you just can't trust Americans. Perspective.
  19. I usually go hang with the kids, go for a hike or go out to the woods and practice marksmanship.
  20. I worry that this will be a cash grab lacking any soul. But if I get a chance I will go.
  21. Tell that to my obnoxious right wing family members who view everything through a conservative/liberal prison.
  22. WS is making some huge $$ right now. They earn regardless of the economy. Even during the last crisis some firms were still doing very well.
  23. Not several nominees, most nominees. It's one thing to put them through the ringer in committee, it's quite another to never let the nomination leave committee or be allowed on the floor for a vote.
  24. I'm not Making that statement that is what the people who talk about "job creators" were saying for quite a while. I'm of the opinion that you staff for needs. As to the pumping the stock price every pronouncement these days has a blurb about shareholder value. That's all well and good for the long term plans but the short term actions don't last as long as the hits to employee morale. We are still reeling from layoffs 2 years ago.
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