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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Is something that has been discussed for 20 years or more ever rammed through? The centerpiece of the legislation is a conservative idea, Paul Ryan has gone on record saying that the republicans wrote a great deal of the law, debate/discussion/arguments went on for much longer than debates about the bush tax cuts or the patriot act. So rammed through is just an exagerated talking point. Are Supreme Court decision rendered along ideological lines less valid because of that? Nope they are still valid whether you agree or not.
  2. Can we please stop pretending that if health care costs rise it will be because of the ACA? That line of argument pretends that the market was stable and ignores that health care costs have not been outstripping inflation for 30 years now. Also the ACA individual mandate is and always has been a conservative idea. The fact that 0 republicans voted for it actually speaks volumes. Democrats would have actually preferred a single payer system but Obama probably thought he could placate the right by using their approach. Little did he know that he would get no cooperation from them. He tried and
  3. I should add that my coverage is for married with children, I really gave no idea what singles or other combinations of coverage are experiencing
  4. OBJECTIVELY if I hear something that I don't like don't get think is overrated then my thoughts are going to go towards thinking that what I was told was wrong and probably not deserving of that praise in my opinion. This whole thing is about opinions does my opinion and critics opinions fall in line with each other? One persons might while the next ones does not, hence the topic is pretty much a no- win proposition .
  5. We just got our benefits enrollment packages for 2014. Dental had no change, Health went down $19.02/mo and vision went up $0.83/mo. Darn it, where am I going to come up with $0.83 every month in this economy...damn you Obama! //snark off So it looks like ACA is not adversely affecting me this year and is apparently beneficial. This is the first time in my life that insurance rates did not rise and shockingly went down. ACA effect? I'm not sure but would not bet against it.
  6. But if the music does not appeal to an individual that individual will see the band as not being deserving of the acclaim. Same issue with every band discussed here. Replacements,beck, Clapton, etc.., taste, its what makes the thread a no win proposition.
  7. Re The Minutemen... I understand their place I'm history and what they were trying to do but I just can not get into their music and I have tried for 30 years off and on. Just the other day I tried again and could not even make it through one song and they have short songs ! It's the tone and inflection in the vocals and the guitar tone that turn me off. Those have been issues for years. So for my tastes they are overrated. I can't get through a full song of theirs yet I have listened to Metal Machine Music multiple times, go figure. And before I get lectured on listening to the right MM music
  8. I know a lot of people who think she is brilliant and would vote for her for president. Stuff like that article make total sense to these people. I thought she was a weird unhinged speaker, but that editorial makes her speaking sound thoughtful and eloquent in comparison.
  9. Virtuoso men's nothing when you make music that is not interesting...to me at least. The world is full of great guitarists but if they don't capture my attention then they are overrated IMHO. I would rather spend all day listening to Paul Westerbergs sloppy playing than have to sit through a single Jeff Beck song because westy sounds interesting Beck does not . Add Beck and Bjork to the lust for me
  10. So you believe the "death panels" meme? Could you point to the section of the law that supports it?
  11. That is actually the way it is and has been however insurance companies and benefits officers decide if your treatment will be paid for. My point was that "death panels" have always existed since insurance came into being and more so since the advent of HMO's and such.
  12. Pre ACA insurance company's make decisions on health care issues - good. ACA era - insurance companies make decisions on health care issues - bad. Oversimplified sure but so is the "DEATH PANELS" meme
  13. As with many businesses I can easily see bigger insurance co's gobbling up the smaller ones till it gets to the point that there are a few major players I'm each state.
  14. Add the Replacements again and take out NWA
  15. As opposed to former conditions where premiums and medical costs grew at rates below the rate of inflation.
  16. We visited 3 -4 years ago and they had a movie montage of all the inductees by year, then as you left you walked out down a hall with all the inductees plaques.
  17. Whether you Like it or hate the idea of a HOF the RnR HOF is a pretty neat museum .
  18. I'm no KISS fan but easily KISS > Deep Purple
  19. Social security and Medicare are what screw up the budgeting process. Not with their costs though, just the fact that they are commingled with everything else. I think they should set SS and MCare aside all the income and all the costs. We have special taxes dedicated towards them so keep them separate and then look at the remainder. Most people would be shocked to find that warfare and public services are not driving the debt and deficit. Set those two items aside and work out the budget with the rest.
  20. Still no Cheap Trick? They are far more deserving than Chic...IMHO.
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