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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I do not think a gun has to be visible or even present for a crime to have been committed. Oh he threatened that had one or implied and the others believe it, then it is so. No one is talking about the catch 22 here. If he had the gun and her dad or someone felt threatened by the weapon and tried to disarm him he could use the stand your ground defense when it really would have been the other person who was feeling threatened and standing their ground. The gun would win out over the fists in the short term.
  2. Well I most certainly am not mistaken. I live in a county with less than 16k people and know a great many if the elected leaders, almost all are republicans, and they do think that Glenn Beck, Hannity, Rush teal are the voices of reason and sanity. Every conspiracy against Obama has a place at the table. They argue against conservative positions simply because Obama endorses them, I can't tell you how often the words Bengahzi or birth certificate have crossed their lips. No, I definitely know the people who I live around. I'm not going over the Texas thing again but when I lived down there ,
  3. No elected officials just oped writers who are not the mouthpiece if their party. So how about examples of elected officials clammoring for a new world and being taken seriously. The rank and file republicans I know take this seriously.
  4. No one is serious about it except in the states where they are voting to secede and form their own states like Maryland and Colorado recently. I used to live in a portion of Cook county where the leaders constantly talked about forming their own county. Texas regularly brings up a mythical outside the constitution ability to break off from the US (completely ignoring the articles that rue admitted them after the war and, well the constitution) and these are not man on the street positions, this is Republican Party leadership. So help me out and give me examples of democrats calling for secess
  5. Serious question...How often since say 1950 have democrats pulled the "we want to secede" card when they were not in the majority.
  6. George Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in no uncertain terms that Zimmerman was carrying a gun and had it on his person during the confrontation with his wife and father-in-law: O’MARA: He acted appropriately. He never took the weapon out. The only thing he really did, which is what he told the police, was on the outside of his shirt, he made sure the gun wasn’t moving anywhere and didn’t do anything because [Zimmerman's father-in-law] Mr. Dean was sort of coming at him, that can sort of be seen in the video.COOPER: So he had the gun actually on his person not li
  7. US Troop levels projected to hit 43k in February, so 20K by December is probably incorrect. Also levels will not hit 0 as we will leave behind an unknown number of troops for an unknown time period. Very Similar to Iraq. The How Obama Lost Iraq push: Krauthammer http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2011-11-03/opinions/35282026_1_sadr-city-iraqi-sunnis-shiite-prime-minister-nouri Santorum, http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/10/23/santorum-obama-lost-the-war-in-iraq/ Weekly Standard, http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/iraq-lost_614757.html Bachmann, http://www.politifact.com/trut
  8. Well I will withhold judgement on legality or guilt/innocence bit the fact that he destroyed the IPad being used to record the confrontation is not a good fact for everything being on the up and up.
  9. This is an example of the no win ever situation Obama faces with the right. When the troops were drawing down and he honored the agreement from the Bush era he was hammered by the right for doing so and he lost Iraq. Syria is the same sort of political trap, enough republicans are on each side of the issue that regardless of the outcome the choice he didn't make will be used against him. There is not a single situation he can be in or decision he can make that the right has not hedged their bets against him already. Politics 24-7.
  10. This is interesting especially since his lawyer said that yes he definitely had a gun on his person. He might want to get a new attorney.
  11. I would be curious to know who on the left is aping the tea party. I would also be curious to know who among the lefts supposed friendly media actually drives policy and positions within the party the way Rush, Hannitty and others do. Also I would love to hear what radical voices are given credence on the left the way Nugent, Malkin, Hannity and others are on the right. Take the whole birther movement for example, what is a comparable psycho theory from the left that has gained as much traction within the party and or the media. How about the secession movement? And remember the democrats we
  12. That's actually $125b per year. When I was a kid teachers were respected and admired, in the last few years they have become villanized. Why? My thoughts are that one train of thought wants to paint them as undeserving mooches phoning it in poorly and sucking at the tax payers teats because they tend not to support the people villanizing them. Our local school board, all republicans,!portrayed the teachers as mailing out like bandits for getting a contract with raises below inflation and increasing the portion of their insurance that the teachers pay. Mooches indeed.
  13. Trayvon Martin Shot Feb 2012, speech referenced above July 2013.
  14. Unfortunately the boy passed away on August 16, 1998.
  15. They are all pretty good. I have them all and don't think you can go wrong with any of them. It's probably a matter of checking the track listings and picking the ones that appeal most.
  16. The official bootlegs that they release through their website are pretty damned good. I especially like the second Red Rocks show, but you really can't go wrong with any of them. The new years show has a ton of covers too, none as good as Isn't It a Pity from the above mentioned Red Rocks show. I used to think Okonokos was the shit, but these live releases are way better in my opinion. Carry on.
  17. Patriot Act votes have huge politcal implications, It has been a fucking cudgel used to beat people with, even beat those who voted for it. We are talking about it as an example of legislation that was ramrodded through congress, much faster than the health care bill has been. From a business stand point the patriot act has been a pile of shite. It has caused onerous reporting issues and has cost business $$ at every turn, at least those who comply with it. I'm done here.
  18. Screw you, you apparently miss the point yet agree with me in a disagreeable manner? Whatever, Do you have it now? Propbably not, never will.
  19. There is always the Soilent Green Option... Very little mention int he media these days of Ms Palin signing and supporting a bill that endorsed the same sort of "death panels" she now seems to dislike. Little media coverage on the fact that the "death panel" provision came from the right. Are you discussing the Patriot act I? II? Both were many hundreds of pages long and lawmakers & citizens had little time to digest them. How about any of the myriad bills that the last administration pushed through as urgent and it happened a lot? This is a problem these days with politics...s
  20. Umm, American Pie? Buddy Holly, Big Bopper & Richie Valens.
  21. There were players who made a living off of crowding the plate, Ron Hunt and Don Baylor come to mind as two guys who leaned out over it and took it often. Hunt I believe was hit 50+ times more than once in his career and this with no protective gear and with the old style helmets that didn't cover the exposed ear. Regardless it has been part of the game forever.
  22. I don't know why but I was under the impression that it was similar to the debut also. For me the album was bland and flavorless. Really nothing here to listen to for me.
  23. Cheak Trick 97 ws not so good in my opinion. Rockford was real good, best album in years. I'm looking forward to hearing their version of Sgt Peppers that is coming out soon.
  24. TP DIspenser, T-Shirt Cannon & Super Soaker all on the same song, which I can't remember because the theatrics overshadowed what was being played.
  25. I know most, many if not all of the people who post here seem to dislike Green Day. I may be one of the exceptions, I tend to like their recorded work, American Idiot and 21 Guns are a lot more mature, listenable and complete than say Dookie and way more intelligent and thoughtful than most people give them credit for. These days people talk down about Green Day the way they talked down about AC DC back in the late 1970’s. Many of the same things said then are repeated now. Anyhow last night I took my kids to see Greenday and I would guess that 20% of the audience were parent drivers li
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