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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Is he playing a character? Or has he gonne off the deep end?
  2. Pa. judges accused of jailing kids for cash By MICHAEL RUBINKAM and MARYCLAIRE DALE, Associated Press Writers 32 mins ago WILKES-BARRE, Pa.
  3. The one I like best is Tall and then Amorica. I know they are essentially the same album, but I have a fondness for spontaneous raw music.
  4. That is the narrative that they, the right are trying to sell (everything Roosevelt did was bad) but the GD was ending until people like me, the deficit hawks started to make noise. Ultimately WWII, the largest public works project in history, did end the GD in the States. Read a little about the author of that particular book and determine if you think she has an agenda? She's described as a conservative journalist. I know nothing about her, but what does her daily writing say and does she stand up to scrutiny? The whole Rosevelt made things worse is a relativey new phenomena that has be
  5. I agree on the debt as an immediate issue as debt sevice eats up more and more of the budget. It's my number one issue. Unfortuantely when times were not as bad we grew the debt rather than retired debt, it was piss poor fiscal management. Management of our debt has to be done in a fiscally responsible manner. Sadly though the politico's have convinced the country that banks need a trillion (tough apparently not as badly as we thought since some are considering giving the cash back so they can give out their bonuses), that projects need a trillion in order to stave off a depression. The "
  6. Does anyone agree on the long term problem?
  7. Obstruct and flip flop? I'm not against spending money. I just want the money spent in a responsible manner. Our country is lagging seriously in education for the sciences, engineering, mathmatics etc... yet we churn out accountants and marketers by the score. If some of the money were to go towards developing home grown scientists and engineers, then I have no problem wiith that. If it goes to pay wall street bonuses and stock dividedns I have aproblem with that. If contracts are bid openly and fairly great, no bid cost plus contracts' with no review? F&*K no. If we need infrastr
  8. I can beat that. My future wife and I went to see REM at Carbondale back on the green tour. They played a nice show and one of the encore's was the Rolling Stones Paint it Black. She looked at me and said "I didn't know this was their song".
  9. I like Desire. Romance in Durango, Sara, Isis, all great songs.
  10. I once bought a springsteen boot (the ROxy in 1977 78 or 79 I can't remember the exact year) for $18 when albums were going for $7. Sound wise it was ok, but it had a couple of new cuts I had never heard before including Point Blank which woudl eventually be on the RIver. I loaned it to a girl friend and we broke up so she kept it.
  11. I wills ay that I could nto stomach the way the first half of the TARP funds were being handled. Too many holes, too much unaccoutnability, too much giving away unconditionally (come on now did the banks need to pay dividends with our money?) and right now it looks like the ex wall-street banker is going to continue on with more of the same. Maybe we need a high level economist to run treasury and not someone who is part of the problem to begin with. I'm sure Obama had some pretty high level friend at UofC who would love that gig.
  12. Here's one of the diffferences I see, with spitters or foreign substances on the ball or scuffing there is an imediate remedy for those caught...they get bounced out of the game no questiosn asked. With the roids they have to be tested, then re-tested then the appeals process etc... So there is no immediate cause & effect situation and the stats gained on roids along with the contract $$ are still there. The punishment is almost immaterial for the better player. For the bit players it can be huge, but no one takes roids intending to be a utility infielder his whole career. No such thi
  13. Not wanting to get into the whole BOTT or Ballad of a thin man discussion, I have to say that the latest bootleg series is right now my favorite Dylan album to listen to.
  14. I just need a biggerbat because I'm a bigger guy. I know people who found nice bats on Ebay for $60 - $70. and I got my son a new bat for baseball for $75 (33in - 30oz, max of 3 difference between length and weight allowed - a rule for IESA baseball) . It was the end of the selling season, a close out model, 50% off on the model and another 50% of for the end of the season. If you shop around you can find a nice one at a reasonable price.
  15. It all depends on what you want to spend. I have to hold a bat and take a few swings before I can decide...and I'm not brand loyal. I start with length (34 or 36) and weight (30+ ounces) and go from there.
  16. Please correct me if I am wrong on this but was there outrage expressed on thsi site about the dear leaders trillion dollars he rammed through congress before the election? I was against it int he form it was presented (i.e. no accountability which we are seeing the effects of now with $350 billion spent and 78 billion overpaid no records as to where the money went how it was used etc... so much for fiscal responsibility. It's all politics and has little or nothing to do with the actual results.
  17. On the ESPN interview he did a soft-shoe. His claim is that in 04 when he tested positive that he was told that there were 104 names on a list who tested positive and that he may or may not have been on the list. So in his mind since no one positively affirmed that he was tested positive, then he was telling the truth when asked the question. If the interview in question is with ms Couric then to my knowledge he was not asked if he used PED
  18. Heavy? or weight gain from steroid workouts? Actually I thought Giambi went public when it was learned that he had testified before the BALCO grand jury that he had used roids.
  19. I do think he has as did Pettite and probably most of the 104 who were caught. BTW bobbob, steroid users are work out fanatics (see clemens 4 or 5 workouts a day schedule). That is the whole point of steroid use. If I found out that a guy is lazy about working out and reported to camp a little out of shape, he would be the one I would guess is not using. I wasn't commenting on what he admitted, just that he probably saw that Pettite was able to handle it much better PR standpoint than Clemens was. Since then Pettite is pretty much a non-entity on the steroid issue, while Clemens is
  20. He had to have looked at the way Clemens and Pettite handled themselves last year and decided that the Pettite route wqas a better PR move.
  21. A-Rod to ESPN: I took banned substance February 9, 2009 1:54 PM | No Comments NEW YORK -- In an interview he did with ESPN today, New York Yankees baseball star Alex Rodriguez admits using performance-enhancing drugs from 2001 to 2003 . "I did take a banned substance. For that, I'm very sorry and deeply regretful," Rodriguez told the network's Peter Gammons. Sports Illustrated reported Saturday that Rodriguez had tested positive for steroids in 2003, the same year in which he won the American League home run championship and was named the league MVP for the Texas Rangers. Citing four an
  22. Also, Andro was not illegal back then. The conventional wisdom is that McGwire put the andro in a position to be seen during interviews to make it appear as if that was his legal drug of choice and to distract people who might be looking into illegal or banned substances.
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